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The first CAMARA APIs are available in Spain and France!

Imagine your future services and innovate with the best new mobile network features

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Discover our large range of APIs for your business

Community SMS icon
Payment card icon
Fingerprint recognition icon
Authentication and Identity
IoT icon
Internet of Things
Antenna icon
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Service management

Getting started

Follow the step-by-step guide to discover our API catalog, subscribe and easily integrate an API

  •  Create an account
  •  Subscribe to an API
  •  Create an application
  •  Get your access token
  •  Consume an API

Network APIs, the new era of digital services and mobile apps

To simplify the developer’s experience and facilitate the integration with the networks, Telcos are defining

and promoting standards.

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Want to develop your business in Senegal ?

Accelerate the growth of your services in Senegal with Orange APIs

Orange Money

E-commerce in Africa boosted by Mobile Money

E-commerce is growing significantly in Africa, thanks to local actors (Jumla, Abidjandeal.com…) and major international retailers. However, this growth has been slowed down by the lack of available payment methods. Cash continues to be the preferred payment method, card penetration is still very low and Paypal doesn’t offer cash out.

Orange Money enables major market players to accept online payments.

It was designed for Web merchants, but other types of services can also benefit from the Web Payment / M Payment service (tax collection, donations, school fees…)

Home Orange Money image

About Orange Developer

Connecting resources to craft, to scale

Orange Developer offers the right mix of professional skill sets (development, APIs and SDKs product management and marketing, tech support, and more).

We strive to provide you with quality services and share expertise with the ambition to boost your services and support you to address new markets for the benefit of our common customers.