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Results for 303 my store

4 results in Customer stories - Also check other result categories

Wirepick Inc

Find out how Wirepick’s use of Orange SMS API helped them boost its business through customer recommendation and develop trust. WIREPICK is a leading service provider in the VAS Industry across Africa.

December 16th, 2019


NodCorp founder Martial Nodem shares his experience integrating his P2P e-commerce services on the Orange #303# My Store to expand their reach in Africa.

December 1st, 2016


“APIs are an amazing asset to scale up: for start-ups, they are the future of telco.”, says Alain Nteff co-founder at GiftedMom

June 22nd, 2016


“Orange APIs suddenly made our service available everywhere” says Aboubacar Sindy Sonko, founder and CEO of MLouma

June 15th, 2016