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How to start with Orange Developer

Published: October 7, 2024

This page allows you to get familiar with the Orange Developer Portal, so that you can subscribe to and easily integrate an API. To do so, follow the steps described below. Throughout this guide the steps will be described on the left of the screen, and step-related images will appear on the right.

These steps must be followed in the order described, or you won’t be able to properly integrate the API!

  1. Click the Log In button at the top right of the Orange Developer Home Page:
OD Home Page LogIn Button

You reach the Account creation page.

If you already have an account:

  1. specify:
    • your e-mail address,
    • your password,
  2. click Submit.

You are redirected to the MyApps page.

LogIn Screen on OD

If you do not have an account:

  1. click Create account.

The account creation screen appears:

  1. Fill in all necessary fields and click Submit.

Make sure you use the same e-mail address throughout the whole process.

Account Creation Screen on OD

The following confirmation message appears:

  1. Activate your Orange Developer account by clicking in the link inserted in the mail you have just received in your mailbox:

Your Orange Developer account is created and fully functional:

  1. Click the magnifier at the top right of the Orange Developer home page:
OD Home Page with Account Created
  1. In the Search field, insert the name of the API you want to integrate, or one or more keywords
OD Search Page
  1. In the Search results, click the name of the API which interests you.

You reach the Overview page of the API:

WifiLocator Use This API
  1. Click Use this API at the top of the screen, or the button that invites to subscribe to the API.

You are redirected to the Application creation page:

You now need to create an application, as described in the next step Create an application described below.

App Creation Page
  1. Click the Create new app button
App Creation Page Highlighted
  1. In the pop-up window, enter:
  • The Application name
  • If necessary, a description for your application
  1. Click Create

Your application is created.

In the My apps page, you can see:

  • In tab Summary: your application, with its ID
  • In tab Credentials: your Client ID and Client secret
  • In tab Settings: the settings applicable to your application

Below, you can also view:

  • the list of APIs, to which you have requested to subscribe
  • the statistics related to your APIs, i.e. the number of calls generated by the APIs you have subscribed to

In the Credentials tab:

  1. Click Show.
  2. Enter the password of your Orange Developer account to access the information
  3. Copy-paste the content of fields Client ID, Client secret and Authorization header

This information allows you to obtain your access token.

  1. Launch an API testing application such as Postman
  2. Create a new collection if needed In Postman.
  3. Click on Import (Orange circle on the right-side image)
  1. Copy-paste the text on the right:
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization: {authorization_header}" 
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-H "Accept:application/json"
-d "grant_type=client_credentials"
  1. Replace {authorization_header} with your own header info. The code should look like:
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization: Basic emRDY1JlWFlTNXF6ZVI2VXJvdmIwN....nWWI6bkpURXlyUkoxaFFYUEc1UQ==" 
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-H "Accept:application/json"
-d "grant_type=client_credentials"

  1. Click Send. The token appears in the query response, as shown on the right:

This token is used for all APIs you want to connect to.

For more information on using the access token, see section Related Information below.

{ "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "5SLvVOk3E....AA1iUFJGcG2GQe", "expires_in": 3600 }
  1. In the API-testing application, enter your token information:
  1. Then use an API request. In our example:

You receive the following answer:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"longitude": 2.274422,
"latitude": 48.824554,
"hotspotId": "222627",
"city": "Issy-Les-Moulineaux",
"place": "autre",
"postalCode": "92130",
"name": "Hotspot Orange",
"distance": 11,
"state": "",
"company": "",
"website": "",
"ssid": ""
"longitude": 2.274685,
"latitude": 48.824645,
"hotspotId": "7880402",
"city": "Issy les Moulineaux",
"place": "autre",
"postalCode": "92130",
"name": "Hotspot Orange",
"distance": 32,
"state": "",
"company": "",
"website": "",
"ssid": ""
"longitude": 2.273617,
"latitude": 48.824016,
"hotspotId": "7921899",
"city": "Issy-les-moulineaux",
"place": "autre",
"postalCode": "92130",
"name": "Hotspot Orange",
"distance": 73,
"state": "",
"company": "",
"website": "",
"ssid": ""