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Three tips for using Orange APIs

Published: October 5, 2022


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Orange Developer



As a new Orange API user, we would like to share 3 tips with you to make your integration as smooth as possible:

orange design picture

The getting started and API reference tabs

These often get overlooked by developers. They contain information you would need to start integrating APIs. Watch this video about using postman with our APIs.

Minimising token calls to improve app performance

This technical guide provides you an in-depth knowledge of using 2-legged OAuth. The guide will not only help your app make less calls and be more efficient but also reduce the security risks your app might pose.

Understanding error codes

Errors can be caused for different reasons! Some are linked to authentication, some are linked to bad API usage and others are due to platform issues. You can find a list of common error codes on our support page to help you troubleshoot.


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