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Orange Group websites

Orange: our corporate website.

Orange Business Services: enterprise and multinationals offerings.

Orange Labs Prime Zone: get a sneak preview of the mobile and tablet applications designed by Orange Labs team.

Orange Open Source: free and open source software from Orange

Orange Pro: independent and small businesses offers in France.

Imagine with Orange: share ideas Orange is helping you to bring to life.

Lab Orange: our France customers testers’ community.

Le blog de de Recherche: sharing ideas about the digital future

Entrepreneur club: support start-ups in different stages of their development.

Hello Future: Share Orange vision of the future

Orange & start-up: Identifying, promoting, supporting: discover how Orange collaborates with tomorrow’s digital skills.

Other useful websites

GitHub: help people build software.

Programmable web: longstanding information and news source about the Web as a programmable platform.

Stack Overflow: question and answer site for programmers.