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Sido 2018

SIDO – The IoT Showroom

Published: July 1, 2024

April 2018
Conquering the Internet of Things
Lyon, France

About the event

SIDO is the biggest international showroom dedicated entirely to the Internet of Things. It is free for professionals. 2 days of conferences, solutions, networking, showrooms and tech workshops to help you imagine tomorrow’s use of the Internet of Things and reinvent your business models. Let’s meet on April 4th and 5 th, 2018 at the Cite Internationale in Lyon for SIDO’s fourth edition. It will be intense, user-friendly, innovative and very interesting!

Orange speakers and keynotes at this event



Date & time

Béatrice Felder – Applications for Business CEO

The Future of IoT: What to expect …?

04/04/2018 9:00 – 10:15

Philippe Delbary – Directeur Innovation IoT

Et si les wearables sauvaient des vies : sport, assurance, silver economy

04/04/2018 14:00 – 15:00

Thomas Lafargue – Chef de produit data

La Santé à l’heure de l’IA : quels diagnostics ? quels bénéfices ?

04/04/2018 15:15 – 16:00

Olivier Ondet – SVP IoT & Analytics

Multi-secteurs : IoT tracking d’asset – Localisez vos équipements indoor et outdoor et mesurez leurs usages

04/04/2018 15:15 – 16:00

Patrice Slupowski – VP Digital Innovation

IA – IoT : le mariage du siècle ! Saisissez les opportunités dès maintenant

05/04/2018 10:30 – 11:30