France API 2022 : tendances et enjeux pour les APIs
France API, première édition de l’évènement français autour des APIs, s’est tenu le 14 juin dernier. L’équipe Orange Developer s’est rendue sur place.
France API, première édition de l’évènement français autour des APIs, s’est tenu le 14 juin dernier. L’équipe Orange Developer s’est rendue sur place.
Mobile operators are unanimous about the threat to the consumer, and Orange has taken the lead against SIM Swapping. With a strong innovation-driven DNA, discover how Orange offers solutions against it.
Today, a lot of people are promoting this 2.0 signature. Born in the early 2000s, the electronic signature is broadly used in Business today. The topic of electronic signature has gained popularity pretty quickly, discover how!
Discover how the Orange Developer platform and our APIs can help you prevent and protect your apps against fraud (access fraud, application fraud, …).
Digital ID is an major innovation for individuals, public and private sectors. It allows civic, social empowerment, and inclusive economic gains. The technology has come to a point where it is ready and more affordable than ever: a great opportunity for everyone.
Various security measures need to be taken into account when implementing clients that integrate Orange APIs. Discover these important practices.