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Device Reachability Status - CAMARA Sandbox - Orange lab 0.1 Beta

  • Network APIs

This API provides the customer with the ability to query device reachability status.

Use this API Contact us

Device Reachability Status
OAS 3.0

https://developer.orange.com/ope-contents/channels/87afd7365baec589/offers/JB0xeBGeKKVM15kG/products/p5Cw4X27jlP1izUB/contents/swagger/AQwyVI3JjFS6O4RF/OD device-reachability-status.yaml

This API provides the customer with the ability to query device reachability status.


Reachability Status

API consumer is able to verify whether a certain user device is reachable from the network via data- or sms-usage.

Relevant terms and definitions

  • Device: A device refers to any physical entity that can connect to a network and participate in network communication. At least one identifier for the device (user equipment) out of four options: IPv4 address, IPv6 address, Phone number, or Network Access Identifier assigned by the mobile network operator for the device.

  • Reachability : Reachability status.

    • CONNECTED_SMS, if device is connected to the network via SMS usage
    • CONNECTED_DATA, if device is connected to the network via data usage
    • NOT_CONNECTED, if device is not connected to the network
  • LastStatusTime : This property specifies the time when the status was last updated. Its presence in the response indicates the freshness of the information, while its absence implies the information may be outdated or its freshness is uncertain.

API Functionality

The API exposes following capabilities:

Device Reachability situation

The endpoint POST /retrieve allows to get current connectivity status information synchronously.

Authorization and authentication

Camara Security and Interoperability Profile provides details on how a client requests an access token.

Which specific authorization flows are to be used will be determined during onboarding process, happening between the API Client and the Telco Operator exposing the API, taking into account the declared purpose for accessing the API, while also being subject to the prevailing legal framework dictated by local legislation.

It is important to remark that in cases where personal user data is processed by the API, and users can exercise their rights through mechanisms such as opt-in and/or opt-out, the use of 3-legged access tokens becomes mandatory. This measure ensures that the API remains in strict compliance with user privacy preferences and regulatory obligations, upholding the principles of transparency and user-centric data control.

Further info and support

(FAQs will be added in a later version of the documentation)

Product documentation at CAMARA
Computed URL:https://api.orange.com/camara/orange-lab/device-reachability-status/v0

Server variables


Device reachability status

Operations to get the current reachability status of a device

HTTP status code Reason Response model
400 List of supported error codes:
- 20: Invalid URL parameter value
- 21: Missing body
- 22: Invalid body
- 23: Missing body field
- 24: Invalid body field
- 25: Missing header
- 26: Invalid header value
- 27: Missing query-string parameter
- 28: Invalid query-string parameter value
  "code": 28,
  "message": "Invalid query-string parameter value",
  "description": "One or more query-string parameters contain invalid values."
401 List of supported error codes:
- 40: Missing credentials
- 41: Invalid credentials
- 42: Expired credentials
  "code": 42,
  "message": "Expired credentials",
  "description": "The requested service needs credentials, and the ones provided were out-of-date."
403 List of supported error codes:
- 50: Access denied
- 51: Forbidden requester
- 52: Forbidden user
- 53: Too many requests
  "code": 53,
  "message": "Too many requests",
  "description": "The application has made too many calls and has exceeded the rate limit for this service."
404 List of supported error codes:
- 60: Resource not found
  "code": 60,
  "message": "Resource not found",
  "description": "The requested URI or the requested resource does not exist."
405 List of supported error codes:
- 61: Method not allowed
  "code": 61,
  "message": "Method not allowed",
  "description": "The URI does not support the requested method. The available methods should be set in the response header 'Allow'"
406 List of supported error codes:
- 62: Not acceptable
  "code": 62,
  "message": "Not acceptable",
  "description": "The Accept incoming header does not match any available content-type."
408 List of supported error codes:
- 63: Request time-out
  "code": 63,
  "message": "Request time-out",
  "description": "The server timed out waiting for the incoming request."
409 List of supported error codes:
- 69: Conflict
  "code": 69,
  "message": "Conflict",
  "description": "The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource."
411 List of supported error codes:
- 64: Length required
  "code": 64,
  "message": "Length required",
  "description": "The request did not specify a Content-Length header, which is required by the requested resource."
412 List of supported error codes:
- 65: Precondition failed
  "code": 65,
  "message": "Precondition failed",
  "description": "One of the precondition request headers (aka. 'If-None-Match', 'If-Match', 'If-Modified-Since', and 'If-Unmodified-Since') failed to match."
413 List of supported error codes:
- 66: Request entity too large
  "code": 66,
  "message": "Request entity too large",
  "description": "The body of the request/response (PATCH, POST and PUT methods) is larger than the server is willing or able to process."
414 List of supported error codes:
- 67: Request-URI too long
  "code": 67,
  "message": "Request-URI too long",
  "description": "The URI provided was too long for the server to process."
415 List of supported error codes:
- 68: Unsupported Media Type
  "code": 68,
  "message": "Unsupported Media Type",
  "description": "The format of the posted body is not supported by the endpoint."
429 List of supported error codes:
- 53: Too many requests
  "code": 53,
  "message": "Too many requests",
  "description": "The application has made too many calls and has exceeded the rate limit for this service."
500 List of supported error codes:
- 1: Internal error
  "code": 1,
  "message": "Internal error",
  "description": "Generic failure message, used if no more precise code can be provided."
502 List of supported error codes:
- 1: Internal error
- 3: Bad gateway
  "code": 1,
  "message": "Bad gateway",
  "description": "A runtime execution error occurs (RaiseFault)."
503 List of supported error codes:
- 5: The service is temporarily unavailable
- 6: Orange API is over capacity, retry later !
  "code": 6,
  "message": "Orange API is over capacity, retry later !",
  "description": "The service faces too much requests and can not handle the call."
504 List of supported error codes:
- 6: Gateway timeout
  "code": 6,
  "message": "Gateway timeout",
  "description": "No response was received in time from a backend server acting as gateway or proxy."