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Discover and consume Orange APIs in minutes

Orange Developer proposes a wide range of carrier-grade APIs for developers, businesses, telecom and service providers across Europe, Middle East and Africa

Discover our large range of APIs for your business

Community SMS icon
Payment card icon
Fingerprint recognition icon
Authentication and Identity
IoT icon
Internet of Things
Antenna icon
Decorative image
Service management
Orange Developer

APIs for business

Orange Business guides businesses and organizations worldwide in their digital transformation, leveraging its global presence and a local approach. As a network-native digital services company, we propose a wide range of APIs to drive innovation, transform customer experiences and enable greater operating efficiency.

Picture of a man repairing a 5G antenna

APIs for telecom and service providers

Orange International Carriers provides international wholesale telecommunication solutions. APIs are part of Orange International Carriers’ strategy to deliver wholesale-as-a-platform.

Decorative image

APIs by geographic region

Orange offers a variety of APIs that developers or businesses can access and use in Europe and Middle East and Africa