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IoT Managed Global Connectivity 1.0

Manage your SIM cards effectively, carry out remote analysis and reduce costs.

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Beyond pure connectivity, Orange provides powerful self-management, monitoring and self-diagnosis services, to steer large fleets of m2m devices, in full 24/7 autonomy.

Efficiently manage your M2M services

What are the benefits?

  • Optimize and organize the lifecycle of your SIM card
  • Crossmatch the information on the machine with the SIM card
  • Monitor the usages of your devices in a large scale
  • Detect any anormal behavior as per your own criteria (triggers)
  • Process with diagnosis actions remotely

Our solution has been designed to improve your business activities, for example:

  • enhanced fleet management
  • easier control over costs
  • improved operational efficiency and service quality
  • proactive alerts to any issues

All services are available via the M2M portal to start business quickly

Reduce your costs and automate your solutions with the M2M API

The API mode allows alternatively industrialize processes in large scale, to automate some specific business rules. The API
allows embedding M2M services inside your own systems.

Our M2M API enables you to build services that seamlessly integrate all the information provided by your M2M SIM cards,
allowing you to manage your SIM fleet in real-time and reduce the cost of running it.

Retrieve information on how to subscribe and getting started with API now

The offer may differ according to your geographic zone. For worldwide coverage, you can subscribe to Orange global SIM cards. Alternatively you can also subscribe to local Orange SIM cards in some countries like France, Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Morocco, … relying on very similar set of API.

If you want to order this service or add it to an existing or new subscription, please click here :

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