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Operator eligibility France 1.52

  • Service management

Orange fiber offers availability for telecom operators

Contact us

Check in real time eligibility of an access to optic fiber, copper or wholesale OW offers as well as the portability of a landline telephone number :

  • FTTE : Optimum Access, Optimum PM, Optimum Ethernet Entreprise, Optimum Ethernet LAN
  • FTTH : Just Fibre on BLOM Orange , FTTH Access
  • FTTO : Core Ethernet Entreprises, Core Ethernet LAN, Collecte Ethernet Optique Opérateurs
  • Copper for Company : Accès total Entreprise, ADSL Entreprises, DSL Entreprise, Core Ethernet Entreprises, Core Ethernet LAN
  • Copper for General Public : DSL Access, DSL Access Only, Accès Essentiel, Dégroupage total, Dégroupage partiel et Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçons
  • Wholesale : Covers VGA and VGT+ offers. Each of these offers concerns 4 types of access: analogue single line, analogue bundling, isolated basic access bundling.
  • Portability : Change of prefix, Offer DEGROUPAGE - Portability with change of operator without moving, Offer DSLA - Portability with change of operator without moving, PORTABILITE offer - Portability with operator change without removal, VG offer - Relocation with operator retention, VG offer - Portability with operator change without removal and Termination

Eligibility tests may be conducted on the basis of an address, an ND (designation number) or an prestation number. Tests provide information on FTTE, FTTH, FTTO and copper for Company offers or General Public availability, network status and additional useful information.

The eligibility tests for the portability of a telephone number concern portability in the case of a move and portability in the case of a change of operator.

The eligibility service is progressively enriched with other offers.

Eligibility status for the requested offer


- Eligible Network deployed, Eligible Network partially deployed, Not eligible


- marketable, linkable, notYetAvailable, deployingBuildingSoon, deployedDistrict, deployingDistrict, deployingDistrictSoon, deployingCity, notDeployed


- Eligible fiber site deployed, Eligible no fiber site, Not eligible

Copper for Company, Copper for General Public, Wholesale :

- Eligible, Eligible under technical conditions, Eligible under commercial and technical conditions, Not eligible

Portability :

- Eligible, Eligible under technical conditions, Eligible under commercial conditions, Not eligible

Information needed to order

According to the chosen offer :

- standard address (INSEE municipality code, Rivoli street code, house number, building code), NRO code, PM code, throughput, number of pairs available ...

How to get started ?


Discover the API

Read online documentation available on the portal.

- The Getting started provides step by step guide to integrate the API in your application

- The API Reference describes the ressources in Swagger format

- The Terms specify the terms of use of the API


Subscribe to the API

The API is proposed to Orange Wholesale France customers of the FTTE, FTTH, FTTO, Copper for Company offers and Copper for General Public.

In order to subscribe, you must be invited by Orange Wholesale entity. Once this is done, you will receive a mail from Orange Developer inviting you to connect on the portal.

Click on "Use this API" button to subscribe to the API. You will be asked to sign in or to create a developer account.

Detailed subscription process is available here (document in French)


Use the API

Add the API to an existing or new application. You have to enter your "Espace Opérateur" credentials, your siren and your contract number indicated in the "Eligibility Operator" order form.

Your keys are immediately available on Orange Developer portal under "MyApps".

You can start using the API.