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Operator eligibility France 1.52

  • Service management

Orange fiber offers availability for telecom operators

Contact us

Version 1.52 - 27/02/2025

  • Harmonization of the API response between FTTE and FTTH: Removal of the BLOM field in the FTTE offer responses

Version 1.51 - 07/01/2025

  • Urbanization AERO: Algorithm for OWF FTTH BLOM OI THIRD-PARTY space and search algorithms
  • Restitution of GPON and XGSPON profiles: Removal of 2G/8G and 4G/8G bitrates
  • Modification of the file name sent to OWD

Version 1.50 - 06/11/2024

  • Urbanization AERO: Algorithm for OWF FTTH BLOM RIP Orange space, Algorithm for OWF FTTE BLOM OI TIER space, and New coverage file job
  • Integration of the lightweight REFCLICS API
  • New coverage file job

Version 1.49 - 16/10/2024

  • Technical optimizations

Version 1.48 - 12/09/2024

  • GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 8G/8G speeds added
  • AERO rewiring on IO source data for BLOM FTEL 

Version 1.47 - 19/06/2024

  • Migration IFI TAO
  • New FTTO zoning
  • Harmonize eligibility statuses for IMBs in commercial freeze

Version 1.46 - 29/04/2024

  • Urbanization AERO: Algorithm for OWF FTTE space: BLOM Orange and RIP Orange AND Algorithm for RIP FTTE and FTTH space

Version 1.45 - 20/02/2024

  • Copper Commercial Closure : Addition of forecast dates for the FCC and FCT milestones

Version 1.44 - 16/01/2024

  • GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 4G/8G speeds added

Version 1.43 - 29/11/2023

  • GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 400K/400K low bit rates removed ​

Version 1.42 - 24/10/2024

  • Calculation and restitution of GPON and XGSPON eligibility
  • ​Restitution of regional technical plate data/exceptional connections

Version 1.41 - 12/09/2023

  • Harmonize the API response between FTTE and FTTE
  • Restitution of "2G and 4G" throughput information

Version 1.40 - 17/07/2023

  • Eligibility of the Optimum PM offer in ZTD HD zones
  • Update of eligibility conditions for Optimum Access/PM and Optimum Ethernet offers on Orange BLOM
  • Addition of the "Accès Essentiel" offer to the scope of FCA offers

Version 1.39 - 12/04/2023

  • Optimum Ethernet extension on RIP Other than ORANGE's RIP
  • Optimum Ethernet extension on VENU
  • Make the FTTE syndic condition available only on the Orange BLOM
  • Restitution of the correct interop code

Version 1.38 - 22/02/2022

  • Copper Commercial Closure - batch 3
  • Restitution of data from the regional commercial plate in the event of positive eligibility of an address for 3 copper offers
  • Addition of "DSL Access Only TV" and "DSL Access TV" offers in the scope of FCA offers for the operator Bouygues
  • Insertion of the correct interop code for the SFR and Numericâble operators

Version 1.37 - 03/01/2022

  • Opening of the FTTH ACCESS offer on the DROMs
  • Return the information about the supply and delivery of ONT on the DROMs :

Version 1.36 - 24/11/2022

  • Fixed incomplete display of buildings for a multi-building address for FTTH offers

Version 1.35 - 29/09/2022

  • Removing of the buildingCode
  • Disabling the FTTH Access offer in the DROM .
  • Fixed incomplete display of buildings for a multi-building address
  • Fix of the RS information bug which did not appear for some addresses if "street_number" is "NULL"

Version 1.34 - 24/08/2022

  • Town Copper Closure FCC

Version 1.33 - 30/06/2022

  • Return the right value of the filed buildingCodeOI for FTTE Offers for BLOM = Orange RIP
  • Town Copper Closure FCC (NB: This evolution will be postponed for a next production launch, the date of which will be communicated later)
  • Purchase of the PREBLOM for the 2 RIPs Vienne and 2 Sèvres

Version 1.32 - 24/05/2022

  • Search by Building Code OI
  • Return the informations of the Ethernet Regional Plate for the FTTH offer (Just Fibre Test) in case of positive eligibility

Version 1.31 - 07/04/2022

  • Restitution of the Syndic FTTE condition informations

Version 1.30 - 07/03/2022

  • Restitution of informations on the Ethernet Regional Plate for the FTTE offers (Optimum Ethernet LAN & Enterprises) and FTTO (Core Ethernet LAN & Enterprises)

Version 1.29 - 24/01/2022

  • Adding FTTH other BLOM additional information
  • Enrichment of secure connections repository ( FTTO )

Version 1.28 - 02/11/2021

Adding FTTH other BLOM information

Version 1.27 - 28/06/2021

  • More ZLIN informations in the API result when there is no copper line at the adress

Version 1.26 - 25/05/2021

  • New searchType parameter value (global) giving the possibility to look for ND in the neighborhood of a street
  • New search possibility to get the origin adress for a moving line (ndMovingOutSearch = "origin" in the additionalParameters)

Version 1.25 - 17/05/2021

Copper offers commercially closure - "Fermeture commerciale à l'adresse (FCA)" New message 'FCA' on specified offers :

  • Dégroupage total : SDGPDEM
  • Dégroupage partiel : SDPB
  • Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçons : SDGPETU

Version 1.24 - 22/04/2021

Technical version

Version 1.23 - 01/04/2021

Performance improvements

Version 1.22 - 18/02/2021

- Improvement of buildingCharacteristics

- Improvement FTTO Eligibility

- Bug corrections

Version 1.21 - 21/01/2021

Add PC addresses

Version 1.20 - 26/11/2020

  • Copper offers: New offer "Just Internet"
  • New search criteria - by building code

Version 1.19 - 22/10/2020

VG offers : add PSTNChurnFreeze and noSharedHDAndPSTN values for characteristics.name "message" as part of the PSTN stop (churn freeze)

Copper offers : return of characteristics.name "lineCharacteristics", "lineType" and "accessType" in the geographicSubAddress.buildingCharacteristics of the list of copper lines at ("qualificationResult": "notComputed")

ADSL Entreprises offer : change of the offer codes as part of the ATM closure (the old offer codes will still be usable for 3 months)

FTTH offers : add "pmState" characteristics (status of the PM) and taking into account the building states that can be
connected to the request in the details of the eligibility result (qualificationItemReason)

The swagger has been updated with API v1.19 

Version 1.12 - 10/09/2020

Copper offers :

- Return the copper line identifier on which the default eligibility was applied with provideNumberIfNotUnique="false" parameter
- Return of the postal address with the list of copper lines to the address (in return "notComputed")
- Return of the local loop valid for VG/Whosale offers

FTTO offers :

- Added "operator_secure_link" value for "RS" (Secure link) feature
- Zoning from 01/11/2020 updated

FTTH offers :

- Added features for a blocked building (blockingType, blockingReason et unblockedDate)

Version 1.11 - 30/07/2020

  • Return of the copper service numbers list to the address in addition to the copper lines list
  • FTTH - Eligibility for the Just Fibre offer on the Orange BLOM (mutualized optical local loop)
  • Return of the decomposed address (streetType, streetName, postcode, locality and city fields in the normalizedAddress object)

Version 1.10 - 25/06/2020

  • Return list of PC serving an address (subject to a SETIAR contract)
  • Return ZLIN information (New Apartment Area)

Version 1.09 - 28/05/2020

Return information subject to a SETIAR contract :

  • name of line holder
  • coordinates of PC
  • neighbouring addresses
  • PLP class

Version 1.08 - 29/04/2020

Enrichment of the information returned :

  • list of active/inactive ND and pre-cabled to the address
  • address supplements
  • postal address

Version 1.07 - 26/03/2020

Implementation of eligibility to Wholesale offers and portability.

Version 1.06 - 09/01/2020

Implementation of eligibility to General Public copper offers (xDSL and Dégroupage).

Version 1.05 - 03/12/2019

Implementation of textual address method (fulltext)

Version 1.05 - 29/10/2019

Add ndetoile contextType and 2G_4G value on CELAN characteristic and fulltext parameter description

Version 1.04 - 02/10/2019

Add accuracy field on output parameter and nextZone parameters on copper for Company and FFTO offers

Version 1.03 - 20/05/2019

Implementation of eligibility to copper for Company offers

Version 1.02 - 15/01/2019

Building selection addition

Version 1.01 - 02/01/2019

Addition of FFTO offers

Version 1.00 - 15/11/2018

First version with FTTE offers only