.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }

Operator eligibility France 1.41

Orange fiber offers availability for telecom operators

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This API allows to check the elibibility to FTTE, FTTH, FTTO, company or public copper offers, Wholesale and portability for a given site. Tests can be conducted on the basis of :

  • ND active or inactive
  • Precable number
  • Prestation number
  • Standard address
  • Geographical coordinates (GPS format WGS84)
  • Textual address
  • Building code

This API allows to check the eligibility for the portability of an ND active.
It is requested to sign a contract with the marketing department of Orange Wholesale to access this service.

Release content 11/06/2024

Change of the HTTP error codes

Added error code 9034 for invalid NDs :See the document in the appendix.

Release content 09/12/2024

GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 8G/8G speeds added

-Restore new characteristic for the FTTH Access offer in the case of positive eligibility; this characteristics indicate the availability or non-availability of the speed 8G/8G.
PS :This feature will be deactivated in this release, and the activation date is 10/10/2024

AERO rewiring on IO source data for BLOM FTEL :

for :

  • FTTH Access
  • Just fibre

If an OI block exists ( Eligibility block in IPE files ) then the following information will be returned:

  • qualificationItemResult= notEligible

  • qualificationItemReason = blocked

  • blockingType = OIORANGE

  • blockingReason = blocking reason in IPE

If an OC blocking exists ( Eligibility blocking in RECIF ) then the following information will be returned:

  • blockingType =OCORANGE

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Release content 06/19/2024

Evolution of Optical Zoning for FTTO

An evolution of common optical zoning is planned as part of the optical access of Core Ethernet Enterprises (C2E) and Core Ethernet LAN (CELAN) offers. The optical zoning file and eligibility thresholds will be updated for CELAN and C2E offers as described in the table below:

Old Characteristic's valueNew Characteristic's valueimpact
100M100M.Without any impact
200M200M-300MThis characteristic presents the availability of C2E and CELAN offers in 200M and 300M instead of the availability of C2E and CELAN offers in 200M
300M_1G500M-1GThis feature presents the availability of C2E and CELAN offers in 500M and 1G instead of the availability of C2E and CELAN offers in 300M, 500M and 1G
2G_4G2G-4GNo impact, it's just a renaming.
Note: This renaming will take place from 09/07/2024. Before this date, we will have the following characteristics:
  • 200M
  • 300M_1G to 300M-1G
  • 2G_4G to 2G-4G

Release content 02/20/2024

Copper Commercial Closure : Addition of forecast dates for the FCC and FCT milestones

Displaying the following information in the API response of all copper offerings:

  • dateDuJalonFCT: the value of this characteristic contains the forecast date of the technical closure of copper
  • dateDuJalonFCC: the value of this characteristic contains the forecast date of the commercial closure of copper
Management of copper closure at the neighborhood mesh (Addition of the IRIS code)

For large municipalities, it is necessary to close gradually by neighborhood (district). This quarter mesh closure is identified by the IRIS code. When the IRIS code is not identified, the following information is displayed in the API:

  • Code_Iris_Introuvable

Release content 01/16/2024

GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 4G/8G speeds added

-Restore new characteristic for the FTTH Access offer in the case of positive eligibility; this characteristics indicate the availability or non-availability of the speed 4G/8G.
PS :This feature will be deactivated in this release, and the activation date is 02/13/2024

Release content 11/29/2023

GPON and XGSPON eligibility calculation and restoration: 400K/400K low bit rates removed

-Remove the 400K/400K characteristic for low data rates

Release content 10/24/2023

Calculation and restitution of GPON and XGSPON eligibility

-Restore new characteristics for the FTTH Access offer in the case of positive eligibility; these characteristics indicate the availability or non-availability of GPON and XGSPON speeds.
PS :This feature will be deactivated in this release, and the activation date will be announced shortly.

Restitution of regional technical plate data/exceptional connections

-Restore the correct Ethernet plate code/label values for exceptional connections.
Download the list of regional codes/labels displayed in AERO for the Ethernet plate

Release content 09/12/2023

Harmonize the API response between FTTE and FTTH

-Keep the FTTH structure, duplicate it on the FTTE offer, i.e. add "oiName" and "oiCode" for activated FTTE offers (for positive and negative eligibility). -Keep "blom" for activated FTTE offers (for positive eligibility). -Add "blom" for activated FTTE offers (for negative eligibility)

Restitution of "2G and 4G" throughput information

-Return "CELAN 2G and 4G with or without EAS" offer information

Release content 07/11/2023

Eligibility of the Optimum PM offer in ZTD HD zones

-Differentiate between Optimum PM and Optimum Access:
The ZTD HD zone (Very Dense High Density zones) is defined by : arcep zone = 1 and IRIS zone = 'HD'.
If zone is ZTD HD , than the adresse is eligible only for Optimum PM offer .

Update of eligibility conditions for Optimum Access/PM and Optimum Ethernet offers on Orange BLOM

-If an address exists in the IPE 3.1 files and the following conditions are not met:
BuildingStatus = DEPLOYED
BlockingType = {Empty} (No block on eligibility)
then the address is not eligible for FTTE offers.

Addition of the "Accès Essentiel" offer to the scope of FCA offers

Release content 04/12/2023

Optimum Ethernet extension on RIP Other than ORANGE's RIP

-Calculate the eligibility status for Optimum Ethernet offers for addresses covered by RIPs of BLOM: Altitude Infra, Axione, XP Fibre/SFR and TDF based on data from IPE 3.1.

-Eligibility levels must be displayed in AERO depending on whether a given RIP is in the pilot phase, open for marketing or unavailable (neither in the pilot nor open phase).

-Add new eligibility statuses according to following conditions as described in the following table ::

deployedPilotOnlySupport_infra_ftte IS PB MUTUALIZED ,Building status is deployed, order acceptance date < current date and the address is not blocked
OR Support_infra_ftte IS "SPECIFIC PB " OR "MUTUALIZED PB AND SPECIFIC PB" , state_building_pb_specific is UNDER DEPLOYMENT OR DEPLOYED , the address is not blocked and RIP is in pilot phase
partiallyDeployedPilotOnlySupport_infra_ftte IS "SPECIFIC PB " OR "MUTUALIZED PB AND SPECIFIC PB" , state_building_pb_specific IS DEPLOYABLE , the address is not blocked and RIP is in pilot phase
plannedSupport_infra_ftte IS "SPECIFIC PB " OR "MUTUALIZED PB AND SPECIFIC PB" , state_building_pb_specific is planned and the address is not blocked
unknownAdressSupport_infra_ftte IS "SPECIFIC PB " OR "MUTUALIZED PB AND SPECIFIC PB" , state_building_pb_specific is empty and the address is not blocked
Optimum Ethernet extension on VENU

-From 05/02 to 05/15 , all the addresses of VENU will be ineligible for Optimum Ethernet offers:

In the API response for active FTTE offers

qualificationItemResult = not eligible
AND qualificationItemReason =commercialGel

From 05/15, Optimum Ethernet eligibility on the VENU RIP will be calculated based on the IPEs provided by Achill.

Make the FTTE syndic condition available only on the Orange BLOM

-Only buildings in the Orange BLOM Comply with the rules of the syndic condition

Restitution of the correct interop code

In the case of FTTH positive eligibility, we will change the value 'oiCode' in the API response : For the operator 'Orange', we return 'FTEL' instead of 'FT' For the operator 'DEBITEX', we return 'DEBI' instead of 'DEBITEX' For the operator 'Opalys', we return 'OPAL' instead of 'OPALYS' For the operator 'Réunicable SAS', we return 'REUN' instead of 'INTB'

Release content 02/22/2023

Copper Commercial Closure - batch 3

In this batch 3, we will:

1- return the FCC and FCT milestones for the following status : -error

  • notFound

2- no longer return the FCA milestone when the address is commercially closed to copper (when you have the FCC or FCT milestone).

Restitution of data from the regional commercial plate in case of positive eligibility of an address for the following copper offers:
  • Essential ACCESS
  • DSL TV access
  • DSL Access only TV

The newly returned data is as follows:

  • collectionTrafficRegionCode: the Ethernet region code
  • collectionTrafficRegionLabel: the Ethernet region label
Addition of "DSL Access Only TV" and "DSL Access TV" offers in the scope of FCA offers for the operator Bouygues

Add the message 'FCA' in 'product\characteristics\message' for the two offers "DSL Access Only TV" and "DSL Access TV" for the operator Bouygues only.

Insertion of the correct interop code for the SFR and Numericâble operators

In the case of positive FTTH eligibility, we will change the 'oiCode' value in the API response :

  • For the 'SFR' operator, 'SFRA' is returned instead of 'SFR'.
  • For the 'Numericâble' operator, 'NUME' is returned instead of 'NUMERI'.

Release content 01/03/2023

Opening of the FTTH ACCESS offer on the DROMs

  • Integrate into AERO the "FTTH DROM Repository" which displays the information if the department or the municipality are opened or not to the offer "FTTH ACCES".
  • Make DROM addresses eligible for the FTTH ACCESS offer if the offer is opened for the department and the municipality , if not the eligibility result is :

"qualificationItemResult": "notEligible",

"qualificationItemReason": "notAvailableCommune"

Return the information about the supply and delivery of ONT on the DROMs :

  • In the API response, if a DROM address is eligible for the FTTH ACCES. Then, we will have the following new characteristics :

"name": "deliveryOntFT",

"value": "YES" or "NO"

"name": " deliveryInertfaceFibre",

"value": "YES" or "NO"

Release content 11/24/2022

Fixed incomplete display of buildings for a multi-building address for FTTH offers:

  • Ruturn all the buildings related to a multi-building address for FTTH offers

Release content 09/28/2022

Removing of the buildingCode

  • Remove the field "buildingCode" from the API response, at the geographicSite and geographicSubAddress .In API control , use the field buildingCodeOI instead of buildingCode

Disabling the FTTH ACCESS offer in the DROM

  • Make the addresses of the DROM not eligible for FTTH Access on the date of October 12 (Date of activation of FTTH Access ) with "qualificationItemResult": "notEligible", "qualificationItemReason": "onlyMetropolitanAreaOffer" .

Fixed incomplete display of buildings for a multi-building address:

  • Ruturn all the buildings related to a multi-building address

Fix of the RS information bug which did not appear for some addresses if "street_number" is "NULL".

Release content 08/24/2022

Town Copper Closure FCC :

  • Display of the new 'FCG' or 'FCT' or 'FCC' value of the "message" characteristic in the API response.
  • And concatenate it with any messages already present on the offer.
  • qualificationItemResult: “notEligible”
  • qualificationItemReason: No change

Release content 06/30/2022

Town Copper Closure FCC :

  • Display of the new 'FCG' or 'FCT' or 'FCC' value of the "message" characteristic in the API response.
  • And concatenate it with any messages already present on the offer.
  • qualificationItemResult: “notEligible”
  • qualificationItemReason: No change NB: This evolution will be postponed for a next production launch, the date of which will be communicated later

Purchase of the PREBLOM for the 2 RIPs Vienne and 2 Sèvres:

Make the addresses behind the PMs acquired by Orange eligible for the offres : Optimum Access, Optimum PM, Optimum Ethernet LAN and Optimum Ethernet Enterprises.

Release content 05/24/2022

Search by Building Code OI

Search by building code OI for all offers. We will remove all restrictions on the contextType buildingCode. On the other hand, we will only add the restriction on the size: The size of the buildingCode must not exceed 30 characters.

    "code": 9024,
    "message": "Invalid body field",
    "description": "publicKey.value must contains only 30 alphanumeric characters "

The search by buildingCode can be done with a buildingCodeOI or buildingCodeOC. Below is an example of an API request:

   "contextType": "buildingCode",
{       "name": "cue|ftte|ftth|ftto"    } 
{    "name" : "buildingCode",        
     "value": "ID-751200000171"     } 

Return the informations of the Ethernet Regional Plate for the FTTH offer (Just Fibre Test) in case of positive eligibility of an address :

  • collectionTrafficRegionCode : Ethernet region code
  • collectionTrafficRegionLabel : Ethernet region label

Release content 04/07/2022

Return the Syndic FTTE condition informations

For the offers :

  • Optimum Access
  • Optimum PM
  • Optimum Ethernet
  • Optimum Ethernet LAN
  • Optimum Ethernet Entreprises

If a Syndic blockage exists then we will return the following informations :

  • FTTE_passif_status = notEligible
  • FTTE_passif_reason = blockedBySyndic
  • FTTE_actif_status = notEligible
  • FTTE_actif_reason = blockedBySyndic
  • blockingType = contains blocking type

If No Agreement Syndic then we will return the following informations :

  • FTTE_passif_status = notEligible
  • FTTE_passif_reason = noAgreementSyndic
  • FTTE_actif_status = notEligible
  • FTTE_actif_reason = noAgreementSyndic
  • blockingType = contains the status of the Syndic

Add the "productOffering" "FTTH Just Fibre Test" in the "productOfferingQualificationItem"

Release content 03/07/2022

Return the informations of the Ethernet Regional Plate for the FTTE offers (Optimum Ethernet LAN & Enterprises) and FTTO (Core Ethernet LAN & Enterprises) in case of positive eligibility of an address :

  • collectionTrafficRegionCode : Ethernet region code
  • collectionTrafficRegionLabel : Ethernet region label

Release content 01/24/2022

enrichment of building information ( the infrastructure and the commercial operator ), regardless of the blom: Orange or others.

New characteristics on FTTE and FTTH offers:

  • buildingCodeOI: building code of the infrastructure operator.
  • buildingCodeOC: building code of the commercial operator.


  • buildingCodeOI == buildingCodeOC if it is the Orange blom (Orange is OI and OC at the same time).
  • To ensure service continuity for all operators, the buildingCode will be present in the API response for the next version. It will then be removed in a later version.
  • For the search by buildingCode, use the building code of the commercial operator. A subsequent development will allow this research to be carried out using the building code of the infrastructure operator.

FTTO: Secure connections

Enrich the repository of secure connections with all the canceled services to give an idea of ​​the resources present at certain sites and their levels (RS1 / RS2 / or RS3).

Note: 1100 additional sites will be considered for eligibility.

Change of the HTTP error codes

See the document in the appendix.

Release content 11/02/2021

adding FTTH information on other BLOMs depending on commercial launching

New characteristics:

  • oiName : Full Operator or RIP name. ex: Orange on BLOM Orange
  • blomStatus: BLOM commercial status: underStudy, programmedLaunch, suspended, terminated, notCompatible, outdatedProtocol, notOpenYet
  • launchingDate: Launching date in cas of a programmedLaunch

note: buildingCode will contain code OI

Correction: DSLAM characteristic on all copper offers


Please read before client security measures, good practices for a secure integration of Orange APIs

How to authenticate

⚠ This API requires an OAuth 2.0 2-legged authentication. Please follow the method described here.

End Point


Methods and URL

/productOfferingQualificationPOSTCheck eligibility of an access to optic fiber, copper or wholesale OW offers for a given site based a several criteria as well as the portability of a landline telephone number.

Example of request with headers and body

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer i6m2iIcY0SodWSe...L3ojAXXrH" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "contextType": "nd", "category": { "name": "ftte" }, "publicKey": { "name": "nd", "value": "0123456789" }}' https://api.orange.com/operatoreligibility/v1/productOfferingQualification


NDDesignation Number. 10-digit number of a telephone service subscriber.
Prestation number8 characters.
FTTEFiber To The Entreprise (Mutualized Optical local loop).
FTTHFiber To The Home (Mutualized Optical local loop).
FTTOFiber To The Office (Dedicated Optical local loop).

Service description

Ressources and entry parameters

contextTypeStringThe contextType field is used to define how to test the site eligibility. This field must be populated with one of the following values: nd for active ND (if the ND is inactive, the test will automatically be on the inactive ND), ndetoile for inactive ND, address, fulltext, geographiclocation, prestation, precable, or buildingCode. In case of a move in progress : an active ND points to the new address, an inactive ND points to the previous address, an active ND can therefore be active (on the new address) and inactive (on the previous address), an active ND cannot be active on several addresses
categoryObjectThe category object must always be entered to determine the offer to be tested
--.nameStringThe category.name field determines the offer covered by the test. It must be entered with the following values : ftte for FTTE offer, ftth for FTTH offer, ftto for FTTO offer, cue for company copper offer, cugp for public copper offer, vg for Wholesale offer, portability for portability services and pc to return the list of Pcs to an address (contracted by SETIAR).
publicKeyObjectThe publicKey object is used only as part of the ND, precable number, prestation number, or building code eligibility service.
--.nameStringThe publicKey.name field must be filled with the nd, prestation, precable, or buildingCode value.
--.valueStringThe publicKey.value field must contain either the ND on which an eligibility test is done (The ND must begin with 01, 02, 03, 04 ou 05 and contain a total of 10 digits, example: "0123456789") or the prestation number (8 uppercase characters, example : "9999ZZZ9"), the precable number or the building code (example: IMB/99999/X/0099) .
placeObjectThe place object contains all the information for a query by address or géolocation.
--.geographicAddressObjectThe geographicAddress object is required to perform a test based on a standardized address.
--.--.streetNrStringThe streetNr field contains the street number.
--.--.streetNrSuffixStringThe streetNrSuffix field contains the suffix of the street number (A, B, C, bis, ter, etc).
--.--.rivoliCodeStringThe rivoliCode field contains the 4 alphanumeric (999F) Rivoli code.
--.--.cityCodeStringThe cityCode field contains the 5 alphanumeric INSEE code (59221, 2A004).
--.--.geographicSubAddressObjectIf multiple buildings or precable numbers are located at the same address, the geographicSubAddress object is used to specify the building code or target copper line number.
--.--.--.buildingCodeStringThe buildingCode field contains the buiding code for an address with several buildings.
--.--.--.publicKeyObjectThe publicKey object is used to specified precable, ND or prestation number after a response with a list (cf. notComputed)
--.--.--.--.nameStringThe publicKey.name field must be filled with the precable, nd, ndetoile or prestation value.
--.--.--.--.valueStringThe publicKey.value field must contain the precable, ND or prestation number
--.geographicLocationObjectThe geographicLocation object is required to perform a test based on geographical coordinates.
--.--.xStringThe x field contains the longitude of a site whose value is between -180 and 180 and can not contain more than 10 digits after the decimal point.
--.--.yStringThe y field contains the latitude of a site whose value is between -90 and 90 and can not contain more than 10 digits after the decimal point.
--.nonFormattedAddressObjectThe nonFormattedAddress object is required to perform a test based on textual address.
--.--.fulltextStringThe fulltext field contains the textual address. To optimize successful return, the format should be "[streetNr] [streetNrSuffix] [streetName] [postCode] [city]" in lowercase without accent and ponctuation. Note that the "address" field of the Operator Eligibility e-service uses the same rules. As a reminder, it is preferable to use the normalized address to target an address accurately.
additionalParametersObjetThe additionalParameters object is useful for precable research and for portability tests.
--.ndMovingOutSearchStringValue must be "origin" to get the origin adresse for a moving line.
--.provideNumberIfNotUniqueBooleanSet to true to return the list of active ND, inactive ND, precable number or prestation number. Set to false (default) to perform the eligibility test on the 1st item found at the address (active ND, inactive ND, precable number or prestation number).
--.useSetiarBooleanOnly for operators who have a SETIAR contract. Set to true to return the SETIAR information. In this case, 1 request is counted from the allowed SETIAR call volume. Default value false.
--.searchTypeStringOnly for operators who have a SETIAR contract. The street value will return copper lines for all street number. The neighbour value will bring the search to nearby addresses by returning the copper lines served by the PC that serve this address : if the address PC are used only for this address (in the case of a building), it's normal that there is no next-door street in the API response. The global value will get the copper lines list for a ND in the neighborhood regarding all the street numbers.
--.portabilityOfferStringThe portabilityOffer field defines the desired portability test. About Changement de préfixe : REAMPREFIXEORT. About Offre DEGROUPAGE - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement : CHGTORTSSDEMENDEG. About Offre DSLA - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement : CHGTORTSSDEMENDSL. About Offre PORTABILITE - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement : CHGTORTSSDEMENPORTA. About Offre VG - Déménagement avec conservation de l'opérateur : MEMEORTETDEMEN. About Offre VG - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement : CHGTORTSSDEMENVG. About Résiliation : RESILORT.
--.applicantOperatorStringThe applicantOperator field must be filled the code opérateur ARIANE about CHGTORTSSDEMENDEG, CHGTORTSSDEMENDSL, CHGTORTSSDEMENPORTA, REAMPREFIXEORT, RESILORT. It must be filled with 000001 for CHGTORTSSDEMENVG and MEMEORTETDEMEN.
--.targetPlaceObjetIn the case of a move portability test with operator retention MEMEORTETDEMEN, the object targetPlace must contain the new address (standardized, postal or via an active or inactive DN).
--.--.geographicAddressObjectThe geographicAddress object contains the standardized address elements of the new address.
--.--.--.streetNrStringThe streetNr field contains the street number.
--.--.--.streetNrSuffixStringThe streetNrSuffix field contains the suffix of the street number (A, B, C, bis, ter, etc).
--.--.--.rivoliCodeStringThe rivoliCode field contains the 4 alphanumeric (999F) Rivoli code.
--.--.--.cityCodeStringThe cityCode field contains the 5 alphanumeric INSEE code (59221, 2A004).
--.--.nonFormattedAddressObjectThe nonFormattedAddress object contains the text address elements of the new address.
--.--.--.fulltextStringThe fulltext field contains the textual address. To optimize successful return, the format should be "[streetNr] [streetNrSuffix] [streetName] [postCode] [city]" in lowercase without accent and ponctuation. Note that the "address" field of the Operator Eligibility e-service uses the same rules.
--.--.publicKeyObjetThe publicKey object contains the active or inactive DN of the new address.
--.--.--.nameStringThe publicKey.name field must be filled with nd value for an active ND ou ndetoile value for an inactive ND
--.--.--.valueStringThe publicKey.value field must be filled with the ND of the new address (the ND must begin with 01, 02, 03, 04 ou 05 and contain a total of 10 digits, example: "0123456789").

Output parameters

placeObjectThe place object is set if an offer is available. It contains the geographicSite object.
--.geographicSiteObjectThe geographicSite objet contains the address on which the availability test has been done. It can be different than the input address and it contains the address, buildingCode and the normalizedAddress fields.
--.--.addressStringContains the textual address.
--.--.buildingCodeStringOn FTTE OR FTTH offers only. The buildingCode field contains the building code. In case of a ftth offer or multi offers researsh, the buildingcode is in OI code
--.--.normalizedAddressObjectThe normalizedAddress object contains the standardized address (inseeCode, rivoliCode, streetNr, streetNrSuffix), the textual address cut out and additional information from the address geographicSubAddress.
--.--.--.inseeCodeStringThe inseeCode contains the INSEE codefield contains the 5 alphanumeric INSEE code (59221, 2A004).
--.--.--.rivoliCodeStringThe rivoliCode field contains the 4 alphanumeric (999F) Rivoli code.
--.--.--.streetNrStringThe streetNr field contains the street number and streetNrSuffix only for FTTE offers (ex. "3C").
--.--.--.streetNrSuffixStringThe streetNrSuffix field contains the suffix of the street number (bis, ter, ...).
--.--.--.streetTypeStringContains the street type
--.--.--.streetNameStringContains the street name
--.--.--.postcodeStringContains the postcode
--.--.--.localityStringContains locality type (ex : "lieu dit")
--.--.--.cityStringContains city name
--.--.--.geographicSubAddressArrayThe geographicSubAddress contains additional information from the address. It will contain a list if multiple buildings or copper lines are located at the same address (see qualificationResult=notComputed).
--.--.--.--.buildingNameStringOn FTTE OR FTTH offers only. The buildingName field contains the buiding code for an address with several buildings.
--.--.--.--.buildingCodeStringOn FTTE OR FTTH offers only. The buildingCode field contains the buiding code for an address with several buildings.in case of FTTH or multi offers research the buildinCode is the infrastructure operator code
--.--.--.--.buildingCodeOIStringFTTE et FTTH only. The ** buildingCodeOI ** field contains the building code of the infrastructure operator.
--.--.--.--.buildingCodeOCStringFTTE et FTTH only. The ** buildingCodeOC ** field contains the building code of the commercial operator.
--.--.--.--.buildingCharacteristicsArrayThe buildingCharacteristics field contains an array with additional adress.
--.--.--.--.--.nameStringThe buildingCharacteristics.name field can contain the building, door, stair, floor, residence, logo, zlin and information conditioned by a SETIAR contract : pc, plpClass, lineUnderConstruction, customerName, availableCopperPair, type (only for PC search)
--.--.--.--.--.valueStringThe buildingCharacteristics.value field contains the value corresponding to the "name" field :
If name=pc : the value of the value field contains an integer referring to the index of the additionalParameters.places array in which to find the PC information linked to the address
If name=type : the value of the value field contains the PC type. Download the list of PC types
If name=zlin, field contains ZPC for partially Copper area et Z0C for no Copper area (in this case, an address eligibility test will not return any ND or precable, the adress will be not eligible with product.characteristics.name.cause = zlinZ0c)
If name=plpClass : the value of the value field contains PLP class (case of a subscriber retrieving an existing installation for inactive isolated analog access). Download the PLP class list (FR)
--.--.--.--.publicKeyObjectThe publicKey object contains name and value about reference returned.
--.--.--.--.--.nameStringThe publicKey.name field can contain the precable, nd, ndetoile or prestation.
--.--.--.--.--.valueStringThe publicKey.value field contains the precable number, the ND or the prestation number
--.--.--.--.geographicLocationObjectThe geographicLocation object contains the geographical coordinates with the accuracy level of the geolocation : longitude, latitude and accuracy.
--.--.--.--.--.longitudeDoubleThe longitude field contains the longitude of a site whose value is between -180 and 180 and can not contain more than 15 digits after the decimal point.
--.--.--.--.--.latitudeDoubleThe latitude field contains the latitude of a site whose value is between -90 and 90 and can not contain more than 15 digits after the decimal point.
--.--.--.--.--.accuracyStringThe accuracy field contains the street, number or building value which determines the level of accuracy.
additionalParametersObjetThe additionalParameters object contains additional information (PC addresses, list of neighbouring addresses, etc.).
--.contractStringThe contract field contains the value setiar if the operator has signed a SETIAR contract. It contains the value free otherwise.
--.messageStringThe number of copper lines and PC returned is limited to 600 ND, 600 ND, 600 precablé N°, 600 copper prestation N° and 200 PC* (limits identical to those of the EE-SETIAR web-service). If this limit is exceeded, the API returns only the addresses of the lines and PC at their respective limits : the other addresses with their lines and PC are not returned and the message field will contain the total number of ND, inactive ND, precablé N°, copper prestation N° or PC that have been found : ex. "ndFound=4839;ndEtoileFound=962;precableFound=676;prestationFound=766" or "pcFound=256" for a PC search at the adress.
--.placesArrayThe additionalParameters.places array contains place objects that encapsulate each geographicSite object that describes an address.
--.--.geographicSiteObjectRefer to the place.geographicSite object described above.
--.--.statusStringThe pc value indicates that the address corresponds to a PC, the neighbour value corresponds to a neighbouring address (contracted by SETIAR), the zlin value (conditioned by SETIAR contract) corresponds to an address in the new building housing zone if no copper line is known at the address.
address (deprecated)ObjectReplaced by place.geographicSite.address.
qualificationResultStringThe qualificationResult field is set with notComputed value when there is more than one building at the same address : the productOfferingQualificationItem field will be then empty and the geographicSubAddress field will contain the additional information from returned addresses.
productOfferingQualificationItemArrayThe productOfferingQualificationItem field contain an array of values ​​with the fields qualificationItemResult, qualificationItemReason, productOffering and product.
--.qualificationItemResultStringThe qualificationItemResult field contains the availability result. It returns one the following values: eligible or notEligible.
--.qualificationItemReasonStringThe qualificationItemReason field contains the detailed information of availability.
Possible values for FTTE : deployed,deployedPilotOnly, partiallyDeployed, partiallyDeployedPilotOnly,deploying, planned,notDeployed, notFound ,unknownAdress.
Possible values for FTTH : marketable, linkable,rad, deployingRad, notYetAvailable, deployingBuildingSoon, deployedDistrict, deployingDistrict, deployingDistrictSoon, deployingCity, notDeployed, notFound,onlyMetropolitanAreaOffer,notAvailableCommune. Possible values for FTTO : fiberSite, noFiberSite, notFound ,blocked .
Possible values for CUE, CUGP, GP and VG : possible, technicalReserve, underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations, impossible, error.
Possible values for PORTABILITY : possible, underTechnicalReservations, underCommercialTerms, underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations, impossible.
--.productOfferingObjectThe productOffering object contains information of an offer. It include the name and productSpecification fields.
--.--.nameStringThe name field contains the name of the offer bearing the eligibility result. Possible values for FTTE : Optimum Access, Optimum PM, Optimum Ethernet (Optimum Ethernet LAN and Optimum Ethernet Entreprises). Possible values for FTTH : Just Fibre. Possible values for FTTO : Collecte Ethernet Optique Opérateurs, Core Ethernet Lan, Core Ethernet Entreprises. Possible values for CUE : Accès Total Entreprises, Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL), Core Ethernet Entreprises (SDSL), DSL Entreprises, ADSL Entreprises. Possible values for CUGP : DSL Access, DSL Access Only, Accès Essentiel, Dégroupage total, Dégroupage partiel, Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçons, Just Internet. Possible values for VG : Vente en Gros. Possible values for PORTABILITY : Changement de préfixe, Offre DEGROUPAGE - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement, Offre DSLA - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement, Offre PORTABILITE - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement, Offre VG - Déménagement avec conservation de l'opérateur, Offre VG - Portabilité avec changement d'opérateur sans déménagement, Résiliation
--.--.productSpecificationObjectThe productSpecification field contains the service class of availability. It includes the name field.
--.--.--.nameStringThe name field contains the name of the service's class. Possible value for Accès Total Entreprises : SDGPDEM. Possible values for Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL) : CEL05M, CEL1M, CEL2M, CEL4M, CEL8M, CEL12M, CEL16M. Possible values for DSL Entreprises : BSE100, BSE101, BSE102, BSE200, BSE211, BSE212, BSE202, BSE213, BSE204, BSE218, BSE201, BSE205, BSE214, BSE220, BSE203, BSE207, BSE215, BSE206, BSE208, BSE216, BSE219, BSE209, BSE221, BSE210. Possible values for Core Ethernet Entreprises (SDSL) : WE05M, WE1M, WE2M, WE4M, WE8M, WE12M, WE16M. Possible values for ADSL Entreprises : ADSLAE1->VPADSEN1NU, ADSLAE3->VPADSEN3NU, ADSLAE4->VPADSEN4NU, ADSLAE5->VPADSEN5NU, ADSLAE6- IPADSEN9NU, ADSLAEB->VPADSENCNU, ADSLAE1RE->VPADSEN1RENU, ADSLAEY->VPADSENYNU, ADSLAED->VPADSENDNU, ADSLAEVDSL->VPVDSENENU. Possible values for DSL Access : S7973, S7976, ADSL4E, ADSL5E, ADSL6, ADSLBE, ADS1RE, ADSY, ADSLD, ADSCVDSL, BITIP6, BITIPB, BITIPY, BITIP1RE, BITIP11, BITIP31, BITIP41, BITIP51, BITIPY2M, BITIPCVDSL. Possible values for DSL Access Only : ADSN1, ADSN3, ADSN4, ADSN5, ADSN6, ADSNB, ADSN1RE, ADSNY, ADSND, ADSNCVDSL, BITIPN6, BITIPNB, BITIPN1RE, BITIPNY, BITIPNY2M, BITIPNCVDSL. Possible values for Accès Essentiel : IPADSLVOIX, IPADSLVOIXML. Possible value for Dégroupage total : SDGPDEM. Possible value for Dégroupage partiel : SDPB. Possible value for Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçons : SDGPETU. Possible values for Just Internet : ADSL6, ADSLBE, ADS1RE,ADSLD, ADSCVDSL. Possible values for VG : VG4000, VG4001, VG4002, VG4003. Possible values for PORTABILITY : CHGTORTSSDEMENDEG, CHGTORTSSDEMENDSL, CHGTORTSSDEMENPORTA, CHGTORTSSDEMENVG, MEMEORTETDEMEN, REAMPREFIXEORT, RESILORT. For more informations, refer to the description and offers list (in French)
--.productObjectThe product field contains the characteristics array.
--.--.characteristicsArrayThe characteristics field contains an array of characteristics about the offer. It includes values of name and value
--.--.--.nameStringThe name field contains the characteristic's name
--.--.--.valueStringThe value field contains the characteristic's value or UNKNOWN

The characteristic's values depends on the offer. They are described in the following chapter.

FTTE offers characteristics

Characteristic's nameAssociated offerDescription
nroCodeOptimum AccessNRO code (ie: 59480QUE)
pmCodeOptimum PMPM code (ie: FI-59221-000D)
messageAllIf the PM is part of the 2020 retrieval plan, the message will be set to 2020_retrieval_plan until the PM is resumed
blomOptimum EthernetBoucle Locale Optique Mutualisée (ex : Orange, Vendée Numérique)
collectionTrafficRegionCodeOptimum Ethernet, Optimum Ethernet LAN, Optimum Ethernet EntreprisesRegion code (ex: MID)
collectionTrafficRegionLabelOptimum Ethernet, Optimum Ethernet LAN, Optimum Ethernet EntreprisesRegion label (ex: Midi Pyrénées)
oiCodeOptimum Ethernet, Optimum Ethernet LAN, Optimum Ethernet EntreprisesBLOM identifier - Value FT on BLOM Orange, other codes depending on commercial launching
oiNameOptimum Ethernet, Optimum Ethernet LAN, Optimum Ethernet EntreprisesFull Operator or RIP name. ex: Orange on BLOM Orange

FTTH offers characteristics

Characteristic's nameAssociated offerDescription
buildingManagerJust FibreBuilding manager name
oiCodeJust FibreBLOM identifier - Value FT on BLOM Orange, other codes depending on commercial launching
oiNameJust FibreFull Operator or RIP name. ex: Orange on BLOM Orange
blomStatusJust FibreBLOM commercial status: underStudy, programmedLaunch, suspended, terminated, notCompatible, outdatedProtocol, notOpenYet
launchingDateJust FibreLaunching date in cas of a programmedLaunch
orderAcceptanceDateJust FibreOrder acceptance date (format "AAAA-MM-JJ")
commercialLaunchDateJust FibreCommercial launch date (format "AAAA-MM-JJ")
siteTypeJust FibreSite type. Possible values : PAVILLON orIMMEUBLE
logementNumberJust FibreLogement number (residential and professional)
linkTypePBPTOJust FibrePBPTO link type. Possible values are defined by InterOp (ex. AEOR for "AERIEN ORANGE"). Download the liste of PBPTO link type (FR) (this list may change depending on Interop decisions)
buildingStatusJust FibreBuilding status. Possible values : CIBLE, RACCORDABLE DEMANDE, SIGNE, EN COURS DE DEPLOIEMENT, DEPLOYE et ABANDONNE
blockingTypeJust FibreBlocking type about building bloqued. Possible values OCORANGE ,OIORANGE, OITIERS or Autres
blockingReasonJust FibreField only returned if blockingType=OIORANGE. Download OI ORANGE blocking reason list (FR)
unblockedDateJust FibreUnblocked date (format "dd/mm/yyyy")
pmCodeJust FibrePM code (ex: FI-59221-000D)
nroCodeJust FibreNRO code (ex: 59480QUE)
collectionTrafficRegionCodeJust Fibre TestRegion code (ex: MID)
collectionTrafficRegionLabelJust Fibre TestRegion label (ex: Midi Pyrénées)
deliveryOntFTFTTH AccessONT Supplied and delivered or not . Possible values Yes and NO (This feature is returned for addresses in DROM)
deliveryInertfaceFibreFTTH AccessFiber Interface Supplied and delivered or not Yes and NO (This feature is restored for addresses in DROM)
500M/1000MFTTH AccessGPON 500M/1000M debit availability.Possible value disponible
800M/1000MFTTH AccessGPON 800M/1000M debit availability.Possible value disponible
800M/2000MFTTH AccessGPON 800M/2000M debit availability.Possible value disponible
2G/8GFTTH AccessXGSPON 2G/8G debit availability.Possible value disponible ,non disponible ,disponible à partir de and planification en cours
4G/8GFTTH AccessXGSPON 4G/8G debit availability.Possible value disponible ,non disponible ,disponible à partir de and planification en cours
8G/8GFTTH AccessXGSPON 8G/8G debit availability.Possible value disponible ,non disponible ,disponible à partir de and planification en cours
provisionalDate2000/8000MFTTH AccessEstimated availability date for XGSPON 2000/8000M debit

FTTO offers characteristics

Characteristic's nameAssociated offerDescription
disponibiliteCE2OPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available)
RSAllSecure link. Potential values : empty, RS1, RS2, RS3 or operator_secure_link
RSstateAllSecure link state. Potential values : empty, En cours de production (in production), En service (in service) ou Résilié (terminated)
zoneArcepAllOptional. Potential values : ZF1 or ZF2 (as from Januari 15 also ZF2A and ZF2B)
nextZoneArcepAllOptional. Potential values : ZF1 or ZF2 (as from Januari 15 also ZF2A and ZF2B)
nextZoneArcepDateAllOptional. Date format YYYY-MM-DD
zoneCELAN, C2EOptional. Potential values : O1, O2 or O3 (as from Februari 1st also O2A and O2B)
nextZoneCELAN, C2EOptional. Potential values : O1, O2 or O3 (as from Januari 15 also O2A and O2B)
nextZoneDateCELAN, C2EOptional. Date format YYYY-MM-DD
100MCELAN, C2EPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available)
200MCELAN, C2EPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available) Note: This characteristic will not be present from 09/07/2024.
200M-300MCELAN, C2EPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available) Note: This characteristic will be present from 09/07/2024.
300M-1GCELAN, C2EPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available) :Note: This characteristic will not be present from 09/07/2024.
500M-1GCELAN, C2EPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available) :Note: This characteristic will be present from 09/07/2024.
2G-4GCELANPotential values : disponible (available), sur étude de faisabilité (under commercial condition) or non disponible (not available)
collectionTrafficRegionCodeCore Ethernet LAN ,Core Ethernet EntreprisesRegion code (ex: MID)
collectionTrafficRegionLabelCore Ethernet LAN ,Core Ethernet EntreprisesRegion label (ex: Midi Pyrénées)

Copper for Company or General Public or Wholesale offers characteristics

Characteristic's nameAssociated offerDescription
causeAllAvailability result causes (ex. "lineAttenuationLimitClosed;overloadedService"). Download Copper and Wholesale causes list (FR)
messageAllAdditional messages (ex : "neededPairs=1;redList;multipleNd;PSTNChurnFreeze;FCA;FC[*] (*: C or G or T)"). Download Copper and Wholesale messages list (FR)
lineCharacteristicsAllCalibre and length of the line
siteCodeAllDispatcher code (NRA). Format "[code INSEE][ ][code NRA]" (ex. "59480 QUE")
targetSiteCodeAllTarget dispatcher code (NRA). Format "[code INSEE][ ][code NRA]" (ex. "59606 VAL")
contextAllAvailability background. Potential values : 0=Theoretical eligibility, 1=Measured eligibility (max flow information), 2=Combined eligibility (measured and theoretical), 3=Categorical ineligibility (case of incomplete PLP study), 4=Simple ineligibility (case of incomplete PLP study)
availableCopperPairAllNumber of pairs available on home PC
maxAvailableCopperPairOnPCAllMaximum number of pairs available on PC serving address
ethernetRegionC2E(SDSL), CELAN(SDSL)Ethernet region ok linked ND
networkReworkNraAccès Total Entreprises, Dégroupage total, Dégroupage partiel, Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçonsIs the line linked to a network rework NRA ? Potential values : YES, NO
directLineDistributionAccès Total Entreprises, Dégroupage total, Dégroupage partiel, Dégroupage – Accès préexistant par tronçonsIs the ND line in direct distribution ? Potential values : YES, NO
lineTypeAllLine type. Potential values : LS, LA, LP, LT, TA, NS, LI, ND et LC
accessTypeAllAccess type. Potential values : ORD, DIS, TCO, TCD, BA, PRA et SDA
maxBitrateAll except DSL Access Only (ACANB, BITNB, ADSN6, BITIPN6)Maximum bitrate. Potential values : 4=downstream rate from 2,4 to 4,8 Mbit/s in ATM and from 2 to 4 Mbit/s in IP, 5=downstream rate from 2,4 to 6 Mbit/s in ATM and from 2 to 5,1 Mbit/s in IP, 6=downstream rate from 2,4 to 7,3 Mbit/s in ATM and from 2 to 6,1 Mbit/s in IP, 7=downstream rate from 2,4 to 10,2 Mbit/s in ATM and from 2 to 8,6 Mbit/s in IP, 10=downstream rate from 9,6 to 12 Mbit/s in ATM and from 8 to 10 Mbit/s in IP, 15=downstream rate from 9,6 to 18 Mbit/s in ATM and from 8 to 15 Mbit/s in IP, 18=downstream rate from 9,6 to 22 Mbit/s in ATM and from 8 to 18 Mbit/s in IP
validLocalLoopAllND of the valid local loop on which the restored eligibility was calculated in the context of incomplete PLP or precable
mainNdAllMain ND in the context of lines grouping
detailAllLinked to an error status. Download description and list of possible values (FR)
zonageArcepC2E(SDSL), CELAN(SDSL), DSL EntreprisesOptional. Potential values : ZC1, ZC2, ZC3
nextZonageArcepC2E(SDSL), CELAN(SDSL), DSL EntreprisesOptional. Potential values : ZC1, ZC2, ZC3
nextZonageArcepDateC2E(SDSL), CELAN(SDSL), DSL EntreprisesOptional. Date format YYYY-MM-DD

Portability tests characteristics

| Characteristic's name | Format | Values | | --- | --- | --- | | cause | string | Portability result causes (ex. "OrangeMustCheckThePossibilityOfMaintainingThisNumber"). Download Portability causes list (FR)| | alert| string | Additionnal message (ex. "performIPtoPSTNportability"). Download Portability messages list (FR)| | arrivalAddress | string | Destination address | | redList | string | yes, no | | ndIsolated | string | yes, no | | recipientCodeName | string | ex "000001,FT RTCP" | | ndSupport | string (10 chiffres) | | | ndGeo | string | yes, no | | announcementAPNF | string | yes, no | | portaPossible | string | 1 : entrante, 2 : réentrante, 3 : entrante subséquente, 4 : sortante, 5 : subséquente | | recipientIndic | string | RESIL, ROUTAGE | | portabilityAPNF | string | yes, no | | protocolVoip | string | H323, SIP | | quarantineEndDate | date au format JJ/MM/AAAA | | | | | |

Portability error list

Download Portability description error list (FR)

Example of error response :

    "code": 61,
    "message": "Portability exception",
    "description": "152"

Use case examples for FTTE eligibility tests

Here are few use cases of the API

The ressource and method used are the same for all examples: Resource: /productOfferingQualification Méthode: POST

1. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from the following ND 01 23 45 67 89

  "contextType": "nd",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftte"
  "publicKey": {
    "name": "nd",
    "value": "0123456789"

I get :

    "code": 24,
    "message": "Invalid body field",
    "description": "The ND is not found."

2. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from a standardized address

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftte"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "1",
      "rivoliCode": "999F",
      "cityCode": "59221"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "address": "1 RUE DU MONT HOUY, 59300 FAMARS",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "59221",
                "rivoliCode": "999F",
                "streetNr": "1",
                "streetNrSuffix": "",
                "streetType": "RUE",
                "streetName": "DU MONT HOUY",
                "postcode": "59300",
                "city": "FAMARS",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "buildingCodeOC": "IMB/59221/X/00AR",
                        "buildingCodeOI": "IMB/59221/X/00AR",
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 3.5170222628171035,
                            "latitude": 50.31973667030669,
                            "accuracy": "building"
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Access",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "nroCode",
                        "value": "59480QUE"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum PM",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "pmCode",
                        "value": "FI-59221-000E"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet LAN",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionCode",
                        "value": "NOR"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionLabel",
                        "value": "Nord Pas de Calais"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionCode",
                        "value": "NOR"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionLabel",
                        "value": "Nord Pas de Calais"
    "address": "",
    "additionalParameters": {
        "contract": "setiar"

3. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from a building by setting a standardized address which has multiple buildings

	"contextType": "address",
	"category": {
		"name": "ftte"
	"place": {
		"geographicAddress": {
			"streetNr": "0",
			"rivoliCode": "691W",
			"cityCode": "69072",
			"geographicSubAddress": {
                "buildingCode": "IMB/69072/X/023D"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "address": "AVENUE DE LA PORTE DE LYON, 69570 DARDILLY",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "69072",
                "rivoliCode": "691W",
                "streetNr": "0",
                "streetNrSuffix": "",
                "streetType": "AVENUE",
                "streetName": "DE LA PORTE DE LYON",
                "postcode": "69570",
                "city": "DARDILLY",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "buildingName": "HYPERMARCHE AUCHAN",
                        "buildingCodeOC": "IMB/69072/X/023D",
                        "buildingCodeOI": "IMB/69072/X/023D",
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 4.767430028359568,
                            "latitude": 45.81932713003021,
                            "accuracy": "building"
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Access",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "nroCode",
                        "value": "69040CAP"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum PM",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "pmCode",
                        "value": "FI-69072-0005"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet LAN",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionCode",
                        "value": "RHO"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionLabel",
                        "value": "Rhône"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionCode",
                        "value": "RHO"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionLabel",
                        "value": "Rhône"
    "address": "",
    "additionalParameters": {
        "contract": "setiar"

4. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from GPS coordinates

  "contextType": "geographiclocation",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftte"
  "place": {
    "geographicLocation": {
      "x": "3.516726",
      "y": "50.319779"

5. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from a textual address

	"contextType": "fulltext",
	"category": {
		"name": "ftte"
	"place": {
		"nonFormattedAddress": {
		  "fullText": "6 bis rue paul langevin 37300 joue les tours"

In case of unknowed textual address, I get :

    "code": 29,
    "message": "Address not found",
    "description": "The address is not found."

In case of imprecised textual address, I get :

    "code": 34,
    "message": "Multiple places found",
    "description": "Multiple instances found for fulltextadress, please reiterate your request with a more specific fulltext parameter."

6. I want to check a site eligibility to Optimum offer (FTTE) from building code

    "contextType": "buildingCode",
    "category": {
        "name": "ftte"
    "publicKey": {
        "name": "buildingCode",
        "value": "IMB/31149/C/05B6"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "buildingCode": "IMB/31149/C/05B6",
            "address": "7 AVENUE YVES BRUNAUD, 31770 COLOMIERS",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "31149",
                "rivoliCode": "1350",
                "streetNr": "7",
                "streetNrSuffix": "",
                "streetType": "AVENUE",
                "streetName": "YVES BRUNAUD",
                "postcode": "31770",
                "city": "COLOMIERS",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "buildingCode": "IMB/31149/C/05B6",
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 1.344731350255614,
                            "latitude": 43.615715858814944,
                            "accuracy": "building"
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Access",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "nroCode",
                        "value": "31149COL"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum PM",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "pmCode",
                        "value": "FI-31149-001K"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "partiallyDeployed",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Optimum Ethernet",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "blom",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"

Use case examples for FTTH eligibility tests

Eligibility to Just Fibre (FTTH) from a textual address

I want to check eligibility FTTH from 17 RUE DU FAUBOURG POISSONNIERE 75009 PARIS

    "contextType": "fulltext",
    "category": {
        "name": "ftth"
    "place": {
        "nonFormattedAddress": {
            "fullText": "17 RUE DU FAUBOURG POISSONNIERE 75009 PARIS"

I get :

    "contextType": "fulltext",
    "category": {
        "name": "ftth"
    "place": {
        "nonFormattedAddress": {
            "fullText": "17 RUE DU FAUBOURG POISSONNIERE 75009 PARIS"

J'obtiens :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "address": "17 RUE DU FAUBOURG POISSONNIERE, 75009 PARIS",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "75109",
                "rivoliCode": "3512",
                "streetNr": "17",
                "streetType": "RUE",
                "streetName": "DU FAUBOURG POISSONNIERE",
                "postcode": "75009",
                "city": "PARIS 09",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "buildingCodeOC": "IMB/75109/C/000Q",
                        "buildingCodeOI": "IMB/75109/C/000Q",
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 2.347888,
                            "latitude": 48.872158,
                            "accuracy": "number"
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "marketable",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "FTTH Access",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "buildingManagerState",
                        "value": "PS"
                        "name": "buildingStatus",
                        "value": "DEPLOYE"
                        "name": "orderAcceptanceDate",
                        "value": "2018-01-23"
                        "name": "commercialLaunchDate",
                        "value": "2018-02-07"
                        "name": "siteType",
                        "value": "IMMEUBLE"
                        "name": "logementNumber",
                        "value": "1"
                        "name": "linkTypePBPTO",
                        "value": "SOUN"
                        "name": "pmCode",
                        "value": "FI-75109-00E1"
                        "name": "nroCode",
                        "value": "75109TRU"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionCode",
                        "value": "IDF"
                        "name": "collectionTrafficRegionLabel",
                        "value": "Ile de France"

                        "name": "500M/1000M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "800M/1000M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "800M/2000M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "2G/8G",
                        "value": "disponible a partir de"
                        "name": "4G/8G",
                        "value": "disponible a partir de"
                        "name": "8G/8G",
                        "value": "disponible a partir de"
                        "name": "provisionalDate2000/8000M",
                        "value": "01/07/2023"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "marketable",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Just Fibre",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "oiCode",
                        "value": "FTEL"
                        "name": "oiName",
                        "value": "Orange"
                        "name": "buildingManagerState",
                        "value": "PS"
                        "name": "buildingStatus",
                        "value": "DEPLOYE"
                        "name": "orderAcceptanceDate",
                        "value": "2018-01-23"
                        "name": "commercialLaunchDate",
                        "value": "2018-02-07"
                        "name": "siteType",
                        "value": "IMMEUBLE"
                        "name": "logementNumber",
                        "value": "1"
                        "name": "linkTypePBPTO",
                        "value": "SOUN"
                        "name": "pmCode",
                        "value": "FI-75109-00E1"
                        "name": "nroCode",
                        "value": "75109TRU"
    "address": "",
    "additionalParameters": {
        "contract": "setiar"

Use case examples for FTTO eligibility tests

Here are few use cases of the API

The ressource and method used are the same as the FTTE offer. Only the value of the object category changes and has the value "ftto" instead of "ftte". For examples : Resource: /productOfferingQualification Méthode: POST

1. I want to check a site eligibility to FTTO offer from the following ND 03 27 29 48 47

  "contextType": "nd",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftto"
  "publicKey": {
    "name": "nd",
    "value": "0327294847"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "59221",
                "rivoliCode": "0260",
                "streetNr": "87A",
                "streetNrSuffix": "A",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 3.518307,
                            "latitude": 50.319761
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "noFiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Collecte Ethernet Optique Opérateurs",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "disponibilite",
                        "value": "sur étude de faisabilité"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "noFiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "zone",
                        "value": "O2"
                        "name": "100M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "200M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "300M-1G",
                        "value": "sur étude de faisabilité"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "noFiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "zone",
                        "value": "O2"
                        "name": "100M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "200M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "300M-1G",
                        "value": "sur étude de faisabilité"

2. I want to check a site eligibility to FTTO offer from a standardized address

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftto"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "rivoliCode": "0410",
      "cityCode": "01142"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "01142",
                "rivoliCode": "0410",
                "streetNr": "0",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 5.06154,
                            "latitude": 45.845392
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "fiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Collecte Ethernet Optique Opérateurs",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "disponibilite",
                        "value": "disponible"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "fiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "zone",
                        "value": "O3"
                        "name": "100M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "200M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "300M-1G",
                        "value": "disponible"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "fiberSite",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {}
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "zone",
                        "value": "O3"
                        "name": "100M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "200M",
                        "value": "disponible"
                        "name": "300M-1G",
                        "value": "disponible"

3. I want to check a site eligibility to FTTO offer from GPS coordinates

  "contextType": "geographiclocation",
  "category": {
    "name": "ftto"
  "place": {
    "geographicLocation": {
      "x": "3.516726",
      "y": "50.319779"

4. I want to check a site eligibility to FTTO offer from a textual address Functionality coming soon

Use case examples for Copper for Company eligibility tests

Here are few use cases of the API

The ressource and method used are the same for all examples: Resource: /productOfferingQualification Méthode: POST

Eligibility of an active ND

I want to check a site eligibility to Copper for Company offer from the following ND 01 23 45 67 89

  "contextType": "nd",
  "category": {
    "name": "cue"
  "publicKey": {
    "name": "nd",
    "value": "0123456789"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "59221",
                "rivoliCode": "0260",
                "streetNr": "87A",
                "streetNrSuffix": "A",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 3.518307,
                            "latitude": 50.319761
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Accès Total Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "SDGPDEM"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "06 03015 | 04 00123"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "59480 QUE"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "networkReworkNra",
                        "value": "NO"
                        "name": "directLineDistribution",
                        "value": "NO"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL)",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "CEL05M"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "neededPairs=1"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "06 03015 | 04 00123"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "59480 QUE"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "ethernetRegion",
                        "value": "NORD PAS DE CALAIS"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "ND"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "HUAWEI"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL)",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "CEL1M"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "neededPairs=1"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "06 03015 | 04 00123"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "59480 QUE"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "5"
                        "name": "ethernetRegion",
                        "value": "NORD PAS DE CALAIS"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "ND"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "HUAWEI"

Eligibility of a prestation number

I want to check a site eligibility to Copper for Company offer from a prestation number

  "contextType": "prestation",
  "category": {
    "name": "cue"
  "publicKey": {
    "name": "prestation",
    "value": "9999ZZZ9"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "13212",
                "rivoliCode": "8437",
                "streetNr": "555",
                "streetNrSuffix": "",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 5.421504,
                            "latitude": 43.290505
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Accès Total Entreprises",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "SDGPDEM"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 01947 | 06 02223"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "13205 GAR"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "112"
                        "name": "networkReworkNra",
                        "value": "NO"
                        "name": "directLineDistribution",
                        "value": "NO"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL)",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "CEL05M"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "insufficientPairNumber"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "neededPairs=1"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 01947 | 06 02223"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "13205 GAR"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "112"
                        "name": "ethernetRegion",
                        "value": "PROVENCE"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "HUAWEI"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Lan (SDSL)",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "CEL1M"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "insufficientPairNumber"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "neededPairs=2"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 01947 | 06 02223"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "13205 GAR"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "112"
                        "name": "ethernetRegion",
                        "value": "PROVENCE"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "HUAWEI"

Eligibility in housing area new buildings (ZLIN)

I want to check the eligibility to Copper for Company offer for a site in housing area new buildings (ZLIN)

    "contextType": "fulltext",
    "category": {
        "name": "cue"
    "place": {
        "nonFormattedAddress": {
            "fullText": "58 AVENUE DE FRONTON, 31200 TOULOUSE"

I get notEligible/notFound result because this site is in housing area new buildings without copper lines :

    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "notEligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "notFound",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Core Ethernet Entreprises (SDSL)",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "WE05M"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "zlinZ0c"
        }, ...

Case of a site in partially copper area

    "contextType": "address",
    "category": {
        "name": "cue"
    "place": {
        "geographicAddress": {
            "rivoliCode": "6145",
            "cityCode": "92044",
            "streetNr": "68",
            "streetNrSuffix": "B"
    "additionalParameters": {
        "provideNumberIfNotUnique": true

I get a list of copper lines with "zlin/zpc" information :

                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "floor",
                                "value": "04"
                                "name": "redList",
                                "value": "yes"
                                "name": "zlin",
                                "value": "zpc"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "0141066310"

Note that in partially copper area, eligibility for copper offers will depend on the presence of the site in the copper area.

Use case examples for Copper for General Public eligibility tests

Here are few use cases of the API

The ressource and method used are the same for all examples: Resource: /productOfferingQualification Méthode: POST

1. I want to check a site eligibility to Copper for General Public offer from the following ND 01 23 45 67 89

  "contextType": "nd",
  "category": {
    "name": "cugp"
  "publicKey": {
    "name": "nd",
    "value": "0123456789"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "59221",
                "rivoliCode": "0260",
                "streetNr": "87A",
                "streetNrSuffix": "A",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 3.518307,
                            "latitude": 50.319761
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "DSL Access",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "S7973"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "incompatibleService"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 02198 | 06 02050"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "59606 VAL"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "LS"
                        "name": "accessType",
                        "value": "ORD"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "ALCATEL,ECI,HUAWEI,LUCENT"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "DSL Access",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "S7976"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "incompatibleService"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 02198 | 06 02050"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "59606 VAL"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "LS"
                        "name": "accessType",
                        "value": "ORD"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "ALCATEL,ECI,HUAWEI,LUCENT"

Use case example for Company Copper with multiple ND, precable numbers and prestation numbers

1. I want to obtain eligibility for Copper for General Public on one of the ND of a site from its textual address

    "contextType": "fulltext",
    "category": {
        "name": "cugp"
    "place": {
        "nonFormattedAddress": {
            "fullText": "7 RUE DE LISBONNE, 93110 ROSNY SOUS BOIS"
    "additionalParameters": {
        "provideNumberIfNotUnique": true

I get the list of copper lines at this address :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "address": "7 RUE DE LISBONNE, 93110 ROSNY SOUS BOIS",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "93064",
                "rivoliCode": "5159",
                "streetNr": "7",
                "streetType": "RUE",
                "streetName": "DE LISBONNE",
                "postcode": "93110",
                "city": "ROSNY SOUS BOIS",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 2.475754,
                            "latitude": 48.878271,
                            "accuracy": "number"
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "accessType",
                                "value": "ORD"
                                "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                                "value": "04 00783"
                                "name": "lineType",
                                "value": "LS"
                                "name": "redList",
                                "value": "yes"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "ZAC DE NANTEUIL"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "0145280661"
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "accessType",
                                "value": "ORD"
                                "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                                "value": "04 00783"
                                "name": "lineType",
                                "value": "LS"
                                "name": "redList",
                                "value": "yes"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "CHEZ LEROY MER"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "0145289201"
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "accessType",
                                "value": "ORD"
                                "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                                "value": "04 00783"
                                "name": "lineType",
                                "value": "LS"
                                "name": "redList",
                                "value": "yes"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "POSTE EDF MAGIQUE"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "0148541610"
    "address": "",
    "qualificationResult": "notComputed",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": []

I specify my previous request with the desired ND :

    "contextType": "nd",
    "category": {
        "name": "cugp"
    "publicKey": {
        "name": "nd",
        "value": "0148541610"

I get the result of eligibility for the general public copper offers :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "address": "7 RUE DE LISBONNE, 93110 ROSNY SOUS BOIS",
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "93064",
                "rivoliCode": "5159",
                "streetNr": "7",
                "streetNrSuffix": "",
                "streetType": "RUE",
                "streetName": "DE LISBONNE",
                "postcode": "93110",
                "city": "ROSNY SOUS BOIS",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 2.475754,
                            "latitude": 48.878271,
                            "accuracy": "number"
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "POSTE EDF MAGIQUE"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "0148541610"
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "DSL Access",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "S7973"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "redList"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00783"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "93064 RNY"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "LS"
                        "name": "accessType",
                        "value": "ORD"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "ALCATEL,ECI,HUAWEI"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "DSL Access",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "S7976"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "redList"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00783"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": "93064 RNY"
                        "name": "context",
                        "value": "0"
                        "name": "lineType",
                        "value": "LS"
                        "name": "accessType",
                        "value": "ORD"
                        "name": "dslam",
                        "value": "ALCATEL,ECI,HUAWEI"

Example of use cases with a SETIAR contract

For operators with a SETIAR contract, the API returns the name of the line holder, the contact details of the Pcs as well as the neighbouring addresses.

Eligibility of an address on the street number

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "cue"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "6",
      "rivoliCode": "4913",
      "cityCode": "75111"
  "additionalParameters": {
  	"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
  	"useSetiar": true

If I have not signed a SETIAR contract, I get an answer in error :

    "code": 51,
    "message": "useSetiar needs a SETIAR subscription, please contact your salesperson"

If I have signed a SETIAR contract, I obtain the name of the holder of the line, the list of ND active/inactive, precable, PC, address supplements and the postal address :

    "contract": "setiar",
    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "75111",
                "rivoliCode": "4913",
                "streetNr": "6",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "buildingName": "B",
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "customerName",
                                "value": "nom prénom 1"
                                "name": "building",
                                "value": "B"
                                "name": "floor",
                                "value": "00"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "RES DARDILLY"
                                "name": "logo",
                                "value": "0B002"
                                "name": "pc",
                                "value": "0"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "nd",
                            "value": "05xxxxxxxx"
                        "buildingName": "B",
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "customerName",
                                "value": "nom prénom 2"
                                "name": "building",
                                "value": "B"
                                "name": "floor",
                                "value": "01"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "RES DARDILLY"
                                "name": "logo",
                                "value": "0C003"
                                "name": "plpClass",
                                "value": "021"
                                "name": "lineUnderConstruction",
                                "value": "yes"
                                "name": "pc",
                                "value": "0"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "ndetoile",
                            "value": "04xxxxxxxx"
                        "buildingName": "B",
                        "buildingCharacteristics": [
                                "name": "customerName",
                                "value": "nom prénom 3"
                                "name": "building",
                                "value": "B"
                                "name": "floor",
                                "value": "03"
                                "name": "residence",
                                "value": "RES DARDILLY"
                                "name": "logo",
                                "value": "0D003"
                        "publicKey": {
                            "name": "precable",
                            "value": "42CLK000000000013826"
        "address": "6 BIS RUE JEAN MACE, 75011 PARIS 11"
    				"normalizedAddress": {
						"inseeCode": "75111",
						"rivoliCode": "4913",
						"streetNr": "6",
							"geographicLocation": {
			                    "longitude": 4.763361,
			                    "latitude": 45.821453
        			"address": "6 BIS RUE JEAN MACE, 75011 PARIS 11"
    				"normalizedAddress": {
						"inseeCode": "75111",
						"rivoliCode": "4913",
						"streetNr": "6",
							"geographicLocation": {
	                            "longitude": 4.763365,
	                            "latitude": 45.821458
        			"address": "6 BIS RUE JEAN MACE, 75011 PARIS 11"
    "address": "",
    "qualificationResult": "notComputed",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": []

Eligibility of an address with restitution of other street numbers

I want to choose a ND or a precablé on another street number :

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "cue"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "6",
      "rivoliCode": "4913",
      "cityCode": "75111"
  "additionalParameters": {
  	"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
  	"useSetiar": true,
  	"searchType": "street"

I get the list of the ND/pre-cabled of the other street n° in the additionalParameters.places[] array :

		"normalizedAddress": {
			"inseeCode": "75111",
			"rivoliCode": "4913",
			"streetNr": "7",
            "geographicSubAddress": [
                    "buildingName": "A",
                    "buildingCharacteristics": [... nom du titulaire, PC ...],
                    "publicKey": {
                        "name": "ndetoile",
                        "value": "0504xxxxxx"
            "address": "7 RUE JEAN MACE, 75011 PARIS 11"

Eligibility of a neighbouring address

I want to choose a copper line from those served by the PC that serve this address :

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "cue"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "6",
      "rivoliCode": "4913",
      "cityCode": "75111"
  "additionalParameters": {
  	"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
  	"useSetiar": true,
  	"searchType": "neighbour"

I get the list of copper lines addresses in the additionalParameters.places[] array :

        "normalizedAddress": {
            "inseeCode": "75111",
            "rivoliCode": "4913",
            "streetNr": "7",
            "geographicSubAddress": [
                    "buildingName": "A",
                    "buildingCharacteristics": [... nom du titulaire, PC ...],
                    "publicKey": {
                        "name": "ndetoile",
                        "value": "0504xxxxxx"
            "address": "7 RUE JEAN MACE, 75011 PARIS 11"
        "normalizedAddress": {
            "inseeCode": "75111",
            "rivoliCode": "1762",
            "streetNr": "14",
            "geographicSubAddress": [
                    "buildingName": "A",
                    "buildingCharacteristics": [... nom du titulaire, PC ...],
                    "publicKey": {
                        "name": "nd",
                        "value": "0589xxxxxx"
        	"address": "14 RUE CHANZY, 75011 PARIS 11"
        "normalizedAddress": {
            "inseeCode": "75111",
            "rivoliCode": "1762",
            "streetNr": "24",
            "geographicSubAddress": [
                    "buildingCharacteristics": [... nom du titulaire, PC ...],
                    "publicKey": {
                        "name": "ndetoile",
                        "value": "0577xxxxxx"
        	"address": "24 RUE CHANZY, 75011 PARIS 11"

Case of a building whose PC only uses this address :

    "contextType": "fulltext",
    "category": {
        "name": "cue|cugp|vg"
    "place": {
        "nonFormattedAddress": {
            "fullText": "19 RUE MAURICE PETIT 69360 SEREZIN DU RHONE"
    "additionalParameters": {
        "provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
        "useSetiar": true,
        "searchType": "neighbour"

All the returned copper lines are on 19 RUE MAURICE PETIT 69360 SEREZIN DU RHONE because the PC only uses this address.

Eligibility of an address by targeting an address element

I want to test the eligibility of an address with additional criteria: the search can include residence, building, floor, stair, door, logo and customerName.

	"contextType": "address",
	"category": {
		"name": "cue"
	"place": {
	    "geographicAddress": {
			"streetNr": "6",
			"rivoliCode": "4913",
			"cityCode": "75111",
					"value":"nom prénom"
	"additionalParameters":	{
		"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
		"useSetiar": true

Search for PC

I want to see the list of Pcs at an address :

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "pc"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "6",
      "rivoliCode": "4913",
      "cityCode": "75111"
  "additionalParameters": {
  	"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
  	"useSetiar": true

I get the PC list in the additionalParameters.places[] array:

		"normalizedAddress": {
			"inseeCode": "75111",
			"rivoliCode": "4913",
			"streetNr": "6",
				"geographicLocation": {
                    "longitude": 4.763361,
                    "latitude": 45.821453
    			"buildingCharacteristics": [{
                    	"name": "type",
                        "value": "IM"
                    	"name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "7"
		"normalizedAddress": {
			"inseeCode": "75111",
			"rivoliCode": "4913",
			"streetNr": "6",
				"geographicLocation": {
                    "longitude": 4.763361,
                    "latitude": 45.821453
    			"buildingCharacteristics": [{
                    	"name": "type",
                        "value": "DF"
                    	"name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "2"

I want to see the list of Pcs of the other street no. (note that the search at the neighboring addresses is not possible) :

  "contextType": "address",
  "category": {
    "name": "pc"
  "place": {
    "geographicAddress": {
      "streetNr": "6",
      "rivoliCode": "4913",
      "cityCode": "75111"
  "additionalParameters": {
  	"provideNumberIfNotUnique": true,
  	"useSetiar": true,
  	"searchType": "street"

Use case examples for Wholesale eligibility tests

The ressource and method used are the same as the over offer. Only the value of the object category changes with vg.

Eligibility from textual address

1. I want to obtain eligibility for Wholesale offers for a site from a textual address

	"contextType": "fulltext",
	"category": {
		"name": "vg"
	"place": {
		"nonFormattedAddress": {
		  "fullText": "6 bis rue paul langevin 37300 joue les tours"

I get :

    "place": {
        "geographicSite": {
            "normalizedAddress": {
                "inseeCode": "37122",
                "rivoliCode": "1353",
                "streetNr": "6B",
                "streetNrSuffix": "B",
                "geographicSubAddress": [
                        "geographicLocation": {
                            "longitude": 0.660787,
                            "latitude": 47.344727,
                            "accuracy": "street"
    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Vente en Gros",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "VG4000"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "compatibilityToCheck"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "multipleNd;redList;noNewPSTNLine"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00782"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": " "
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "2"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "2"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Vente en Gros",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "VG4001"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "compatibilityToCheck"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "multipleNd;redList;noNewPSTNLine"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00782"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": " "
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "2"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "2"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Vente en Gros",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "VG4002"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "compatibilityToCheck"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "multipleNd;redList;noNewPSTNLine"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00782"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": " "
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "2"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "2"
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "underCommercialTermsAndTechnicalReservations",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Vente en Gros",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "VG4003"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "cause",
                        "value": "compatibilityToCheck"
                        "name": "message",
                        "value": "multipleNd;redList;noNewPSTNLine"
                        "name": "lineCharacteristics",
                        "value": "04 00782"
                        "name": "siteCode",
                        "value": " "
                        "name": "availableCopperPair",
                        "value": "2"
                        "name": "maxAvailableCopperPairOnPC",
                        "value": "2"

In case of unknown textual address, I get :

    "code": 29,
    "message": "Address not found",
    "description": "The address is not found."

In case of imprecise textual address, I get :

    "code": 34,
    "message": "Multiple places found",
    "description": "Multiple instances found for fulltextadress, please reiterate your request with a more specific fulltext parameter."

Use case example of eligibility test in 1 call for Copper and Wholesale offers

For Copper and Wholesale offers, the category.name field allows the entry of several categories separated by the character "|" ex. cugp|cue.

1. I want to obtain eligibility for Copper and Wholesale offers in 1 call for a site from a textual address

	"contextType": "fulltext",
	"category": {
		"name": "cugp|cue|vg"
	"place": {
		"nonFormattedAddress": {
		  "fullText": "6 bis rue paul langevin 37300 joue les tours"

I get all the eligibility results of the Copper and Wholesale offers in productOfferingQualificationItem array.

Use case examples for portability tests

VG portability test with operator removal and retention

1. I want to obtain the result of the portability test to the VG offer with removal and conservation of the operator

	"contextType": "nd",
	"category": {
		"name": "portability"
	"publicKey": {
		"name": "nd",
		"value": "0472733328"
	"additionalParameters":	{
		"portabilityOffer": "MEMEORTETDEMEN",
		"applicantOperator": "000001"

I get :

    "code": 61,
    "message": "Portability exception",
    "description": "155"

Description error 155 corresponds to "Missing destination address". I specify destination address in targetPlace object :

	"contextType": "nd",
	"category": {
		"name": "portability"
	"publicKey": {
		"name": "nd",
		"value": "0472733328"
	"additionalParameters":	{
		"portabilityOffer": "MEMEORTETDEMEN",
		"applicantOperator": "000001",
		"targetPlace": {
    		"geographicAddress": {
    			"streetNr": "15",
    			"rivoliCode": "0650",
    			"cityCode": "69143"

I get :

    "address": "",
    "productOfferingQualificationItem": [
            "qualificationItemResult": "eligible",
            "qualificationItemReason": "possible",
            "productOffering": {
                "name": "Offre VG - Déménagement avec conservation de l'opérateur",
                "productSpecification": {
                    "name": "MEMEORTETDEMEN"
            "product": {
                "characteristics": [
                        "name": "alert",
                        "value": "noPortabilityToMake"
                        "name": "arrivalAddress",
                        "value": "15 RUE PIERRE DUGELAY - NEUVILLE SUR SAONE (69)"
                        "name": "redList",
                        "value": "no"
                        "name": "ndVga",
                        "value": "no"
                        "name": "optionGtr",
                        "value": "no"
                        "name": "recipientCodeName",
                        "value": "000001,FT RTCP"
                        "name": "ndGeo",
                        "value": "yes"
                        "name": "announcementAPNF",
                        "value": "no"

Support for the migration of webservices to the Operator Eligibility API

The following documents are used to migrate the historical webservices to the Operator Eligibility API. They detail how each of the functionalities have been taken over in the Operator Eligibility API :


History of document

VersionModification dateDescription of changesAPIAPI version corresponding to this documentary version
v1.015/11/2018FTTE offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.0
v1.102/01/2019FTTO offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.1
v1.215/01/2019Building selectionAERO (OW availability API)v1.2
v1.320/05/2019Copper for Company offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.3
v1.3.101/07/2019Add Output parameters chapter and some use cases examplesAERO (OW availability API)v1.3
v1.425/09/2019Add accuracy field on output parameter, some error codes and nextZone parameters on copper for Company and FTTO offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.4
v1.524/10/2019Add ndetoile contextType and 2G_4G value on CELAN characteristic and fulltext parameter descriptionAERO (OW availability API)v1.5
v1.5.105/11/2019Add the description and offers list (in French) in productSpecification.name sectionAERO (OW availability API)v1.5
v1.5.225/11/2019More information about the fulltext call modeAERO (OW availability API)v1.5
v1.617/12/2019Add Copper for General Public offers and an example how to use themAERO (OW availability API)v1.6
v1.6.108/01/2020Add unbundling example, networkReworkNra and directLineDistribution fields for unbundling offers and additionnal information about zonageArcep, nextZonageArcep and nextZonageArcepDate fields.AERO (OW availability API)v1.6
v1.704/03/2020Add documentation about wholesale and portability offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.6
v1.7.112/03/2020Add documentation about migration of webservices to the Operator Eligibility APIAERO (OW availability API)v1.6
v1.7.216/03/2020Message concerning FTTE 2020 retrieval planAERO (OW availability API)v1.6
v1.825/03/2020Updated swagger for API v1.7. Updated documentation about migration EE-SETIAR webservices (FR). Add examples of retrieval of the list of active, inactive ND and precable to the address, address supplements, postal address, information conditioned by a SETIAR contract (from API v1.9: name of line holder, PC coordinates, neighbouring addresses, ZLIN)AERO (OW availability API)v1.7
v1.8.108/04/2020Add use case example about eligibility test in 1 call for Copper and Wholesale offersAERO (OW availability API)v1.7
v1.8.205/05/2020Updated swagger for API v1.8AERO (OW availability API)v1.8
v1.8.312/05/2020Add use case example about list of copper prestation number at the address (from API v1.11) in addition to the list of active, inactive ND and precableAERO (OW availability API)v1.8
v1.09.0012/06/2020Additionnal information about searchType=neighbour with use case example. Add fields streetType, streetName, postcode, locality, city in normalizedAddressAERO (OW availability API)v1.9
v1.10.0026/06/2020Add swagger for API v1.10AERO (OW availability API)v1.10
v1.10.0129/06/2020The offer code for "DSL Access Only Max2 Mono VC" offer change : offer : ACANB is replaced by ADSNBAERO (OW availability API)v1.10
v1.10.0201/07/2020Add FTTH documentation for Just Fibre offer (available from 30/07/2020*). Additionnal information about ZLIN with use case example.AERO (OW availability API)v1.10
v1.10.0328/07/2020FTTO - Add value "operator_secure_link" concerning RS characteristic. FTTH - Add characteristics concerning building bloqued (blockingType, blockingReason and unblockedDate)AERO (OW availability API)v1.12
v1.11.0003/08/2020swagger updated. Copper offers : add list of PLP classAERO (OW availability API)v1.11
v1.12.0129/09/2020Information about API v1.13 contentAERO (OW availability API)v1.12
v1.12.0003/08/2020API v1.12 swagger updatedAERO (OW availability API)v1.12
v1.19.0023/10/2020API V1.19 swagger updatedAERO (OW availability API)v1.19
v1.19.0116/11/2020Information about API v1.20 contentAERO (OW availability API)v1.19
v1.20.0026/11/2020API V1.20 swagger updatedAERO (OW availability API)v1.20
v1.21.0021/01/2021Update for next releaseAERO (OW availability API)v1.21
v1.22.0004/03/2021Update for next releaseAERO (OW availability API)v1.22