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Internet On The Move 1.0

allows to third party to manage their IoT customers relationship.

Contact us

Enrich the user experience of your customers by allowing them to buy the IoT internet connectivity offer and use it for their needs (web browsing, audio, video, games, etc.).

Orange provides an internet access offer for B2C IoT end-users which can be subscribed via our portal (multi-language, multi-country, multi-currency) or our catalog of APIs TMF (dedicated solution).

The access to these TMF APIs by our partners is managed in a secure, scalable manner, ... into our API Gateway.

Our company strongly supports the standardization of APIs (IT) for internal and external logic.

Key Characteristics : solution to be deployed one and to serve multiple organizations in a secure, independent and consistent manner :

  • Multi-tenant architecture to let autonomous business units manage their own API catalogue.
  • Distributed architecture (central and local deployment) to allow several service offers to business units.

Internet On The Move APIs

Product Catalog

Allows to consult all the Orange Car Manufacturer catalog.

Product Inventory

allows to view and retreive the offers and options subscribed by a customer.

Ressource Inventory

allows to view and retreive the ressources subscribed by a customer

Product Ordering

allows to subscribe to an offer or an option for a customer.


Service Activation

allows to activate or configure a service for a customer.

Usage Consumption

allows to follow up the usage consumption of a customer.

Car manufacturer

Thanks to the set of this APIs, Car Manufacturer can manage the embedded Orange SIM card in the car of their customers.

Who can use this API ?

To be able to use this API, you need to have an Internet On The Move contract firmed with OBS.

How to get informations and support ?

For any infos don't hesitate to contact us