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Published: July 1, 2024

April 2018
ID4Africa 2018 is the 4th Annual Meeting of the ID4Africa Movement, dedicated to the harmonization of identity schemes in Africa.
Abuja, Nigeria

About the event

ID4Africa 2018 is the 4th annual meeting of the ID4Africa Movement, which is dedicated to the harmonization of identity schemes in Africa. Since its beginnings, ID4Africa has become the continent’s largest forum on digital identity. As such, Orange is joining the event for the first time to participate as speaker and moderator on three main topics: identification, authentication, and related identity services that can support African states. Come meet our team and learn how to develop identity services for the public and private sectors.

Why we will be at ID4Africa 2018

E-government services are a priority for Middle East & Africa citizens. Orange is in a strong position to support their implementation, through the creation of digital identities, and aims to develop a wide range of identity products and services throughout its MEA business presence—which covers 18 countries, and 121 million customers out of 442 million inhabitants.

Orange solutions on display at ID4Africa 2018

As a matter of fact, Orange can support e-government services across 6 major streams through a Trusted Digital Identity enabling National Identity Programmes:

  • Passports & e-ID cards
  • Banking
  • Online tax signatures
  • Social program subsidies allocation & management
  • Education
  • Authentication via Mobile Connect

With the service called National ID, Orange aims to enable African states to implement digital national identities that can subsequently be used to deliver physical identity documents, to be complemented by digital services. To do so, Orange is working with local governments to define a framework for such digital identities.

Browse our articles to find out more about Orange APIs, offers and presence in the Middle East & Africa:

Where to find us

Orange will be on site in the Abuja International Conference Center at Booth D10. Come and find us to meet our team (see contacts below), as well as representatives from Orange in MaliCôte d’Ivoire and Guinea, and talk about the possibilities for digital identity in Africa! Orange team members on site include:

  • Aicha TOURÉ, Directrice de la Stratégie et des Grands Projet (DSGP), Orange Mali
  • Frederic REBOULLEAU, Marketing Enabler Director, Orange France
  • Guillaume HANAU, Identity Product Manager, Orange France
  • Dior Latifa DIACK, Business Developer Senior Manager, Orange Côte d’Ivoire
  • Mactar GUEYE, Director, Orange Côte d’Ivoire
  • Amadou BANH Ouattara, Business Developer, Orange Côte d’Ivoire
  • Aly DIA, B2B Director, Orange Guinée

Orange speakers and keynotes at this event



Date & time

Frédéric REBOULLEAU (moderator)

eID Tech – Mobile Solutions panel

25/04/2018 17:00 – 18:30