LAUDE Innovates with ViRe App for enhanced restraining order monitoring
Published: October 9, 2024
LAUDE's Development Challenge
LAUDE is an IT consulting company, which aims to be one of the leading providers of digital solutions and services in the next decade.
Last December, LAUDE launched an internal development challenge using the CAMARA APIs.
The main goal was to identify new use cases, focusing on the following scenarios:
– Industrial facilities’ maintenance and operation: Industry 4.0
– Law enforcement agencies: Security Forces
– Smart tourism destinations: Smart Tourism
In the case of law enforcement agencies, developers brought up the use case of restraining orders using Device Location and Geofencing APIs.
Addressing Law Enforcement Needs
There are cases of restraining orders where electronic/telematic bracelets are not used. The decision to use an electronic bracelet depends on various factors, like the severity of the case, the aggressor’s history of violence, or the perceived level of risk to the victim, amongst others.
Restraining orders without electronic bracelets can include different types of restrictions, such as:
– Proximity restriction
– Exclusion from shared home
In those cases, the enforcement of the restraining order depends on surveillance and monitoring by the authorities, as well as reporting by the victim if the aggressor violates the imposed restrictions.
The effectiveness of these orders largely depends on the cooperation and communication between the victim, the authorities, and, in some cases, victim support services.
ViRe: A Solution for Restraining Order Enforcement
For solving this issue, LAUDE developed ViRe (Violence Restriction), an application based on the Device Location and Geofencing CAMARA APIs to monitor the restraining orders, especially the ones related to gender violence. ViRe takes advantage of the network operator capabilities exposed through the service APIs to guarantee an area free of aggressors to the victim. In case a restraining order is violated by an aggressor, an alarm text is sent to the authorities and the victim. In addition, authorities have permanent access to the monitoring system to check the position of aggressor and victim at any time.

ViRe's Impact and Future Developments
ViRe is not designed to replace the electronic bracelets, but it provides an upper level of security. Taking profit of the 5G network capabilities of the operators, ViRe works in indoor and outdoor scenarios, and it can provide to the victim a free area of several kms where to feel safe. Moreover, given that the application is based on CAMARA standard, it does not need adhoc devices and it is compatible with almost any smartphone, operator and country.

In a next version, ViRe will include AI which will analyze aggressor behavior patterns to prevent any risk.

LAUDE focuses on driving the digital transformation of its clients. It is a renowned leader in providing specific answers to the Telecom industry through its Software Development and Consulting Services and also through its AI Lab.
Based in: Europe (Spain and Sweden).
Industry: IT Services and Consulting
Used APIs

Allows to manage subscriptions to get notifications, when a given device enters or left a monitored area

Location verification
Allows to confirm if a mobile device is within a specified geographical area, based on the longitude / latitude information and an accuracy radius

Location retrieval
Allows to retrieve the device’s geographical position: i.e. the longitude / latitude information and radius