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LTE-M network launch and developer challenge

Published: July 1, 2024

Orange has announced the launch of its LTE-M network in France on 8 November 2018, and confirmed the implementation of this IoT-focused technology in two more European countries. LTE-M is a key component to support the widest range of IoT use cases, which is why Orange is already providing developers with new tools and support to start building: the LTE-M Orange Developer Challenge and the LTE-M Starter Kit.

LTE-M network challenge presentation 2

Orange LTE-M network in France and soon beyond

As of 8 November 2018, France has its own Orange LTE-M network already covering 98% of the national population. This comes after the Group’s first LTE-M network launched in Belgium in May 2018. Next on the list are Spain and Romania, where the network is planned for go-live by the end of 2018. These new additions to the Orange network portfolio highlight the progress made in serving the IoT and connected devices markets, further supported by LoRa® technology.

Discover the cover of the Orange LTE-M network in France

Giving developers tools to build with LTE-M

Developers have already been able to experiment with LTE-M at the Orange Open IoT Lab. From 8 November until 10 December 2018, the LTE-M Developer Challenge will pit competitors to use this technology to solve real-life use cases provided by French railway operator SNCF. This event is hosted by Orange and supported by SNCF, GSMA, Sierra Wireless and Ericsson.

Discover the winners (article in French).

LTE-M network challenge presentation

A dedicated starter kit for LTE-M

Developers partaking in the challenge will have at their disposal, among other tools, a dedicated starter kit that will be sold on the Orange device marketplaces in December 2018. Currently available in pre-order, this kit includes:

  • the mangOH Red open-source plateform;
  • a Sierra Wireless LTE-M module;
  • access to the Orange Datavenue Live Objects data management platform.
Orange starter kit LTE-M