.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }

Orange RCS BotHub 1.0

  • CPaaS APIs
  • Communications

Orange solution for sending RCS messages using GSMA standard.

Use this API Contact us
  • HOW TO check the user's device Capabilities?

    To check if MSISDNs are RCS enabled:

    A/ BULK Capa - Starting End of March 2024:
    You'll need to use asynchonous POST /bot/v2/{botId}/bulkContactCapabilities to retrieve the capabilities of mulitple users' devices with a max 10K MSISDN

    Then you'll execute the GET /bot/v2/{botId}/bulkContactCapabilities to retrieve the result of the above bulk capability request

    Execute those requests only on timeslots from 10 PM CET to 7 AM CET in order to NOT overload the whole business bandwidth during business hours.

                                            => In case you don't respect this limitation you'll get: HTTP 405 "Method Not Allowed" 

                                            with information message: 

                                            "Execute those requests only on timeslots from 10 PM CET to 7 AM CET in order to NOT overload the whole business bandwidth during business hours." 

    There are BEST PRACTICES for doing it:

    1. Use this algorithm in a reasonable way, that is to say you could implement its execution in such a way, each month f. ex. :

                 - Get & Collect the capabilities for non-already tested MSISDNs

                 - Get & Collect the capabilities for already tested MSISDNs which capabilitie was FALSE & which last check was older than 2 months

                 - Get & Collect the capabilities for already tested MSISDNs which capabilitie was TRUE  & which last check was older than 3 months

    ​2. As an aggregator, you should keep track of the results of the executed GET capabilities in order to improve the reach rate.

    B/  UNITARY Capa

    Furthermore, starting month of September 2024, the /bot/v1/{botId}/contactCapabilities  which is used for unitary test, will be strongly limited. 

    It should be used with a very low frequency, and for testing purposes only.

  • WHAT IS the Bot Onboarding Portal?

    Bot Onboarding Portal

    Bot OB portal https://onboarding.bothub-messaging.orange.com/public/home is the way you as an aggregator / developer can setup Bots on our Bohub Enabler

    OB portal start page

    These 2 elements
    - BotID : GSMA_BotID
    - SecretKey : GSMA_SecretKey

    are used to generate a JWT element (RFC 7519), with above content + the associated signature using

    You get the GSMA_SecretKey inside the Onboarding portal once you onboarded the bot

    Deployed bots panel 

    Bot details Panel

    Bot detail configuration summary in the portal

    & also in a email you receive from admin.onboarding@orange.com email account -> You will get in this email the Bot Private Key

  • HOW TO generate the JWT Token?

    In order to generate the JWT Token, you can use any way that suits you with a local implementation on your side (you can use one of the librairies provided on “Libraries for Token Signing/Verification” at the bottom of the https://JWT.IO page ).

    Please note that you don’t need to provide any public key to sign the token. You only need to use the GSMA bot private key that was shared by Orange admin to sign the key. Bothub itself uses the public key to validate your generated JWT token.

    Below we provide an example for generating JWT token with https://jwt.io
    In https://jwt.io/ provide following fields:

    and in the secret base64 encoded field paste your GMSA bot private key:

    JWTtoken generation - signature - JWT.IO
    To derive Public key from bot private key you can use openssl or ssh-keygen with:

    openssl rsa -in mykey.pem -pubout > mykey.pub

    for example

    For more inquiries, please contact (bothub_access_team@easymail.orange.com)