Business Talk Digital API enables Business Talk customers to manage the trunk configuration (voice sites, DID numbers, emergency zones, portability, ...).
Returns the country list supported by the service.
Returns one country list supported by the service.
Country number types
Returns the list of number types available in the country.
Country dial zones
Returns the list of dial zones available for a given number type.
Country dial zones
Returns the list of dial zones available for a given number type.
Netherlands, return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in Netherlands according to the address given into query string.
Denmark, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in Denmark according to the address given into query string.
Czech Republic, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in Czech Republic according to the address given into query string.
Australia, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in Australia according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
South Africa, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in South Africa according to the address given into query string.
Check and normalize an address
Check and normalize an address according to country specificities.
France+DROM, Return list of publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
Portugal, Return list of valid information
Return the list of valid values for a2 (district), a3 (county) and a4 (municipality) in Portugal. Each returned entry correspond to a valid triplet a2/a3/a4 which can be used in a site address.
Portugal, Return list of valid postal codes
Return the list of valid values for pc (postal code), pcn (localilty). Each returned entry correspond to a valid pair pc/pcn which can be used in a site address.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
Return list of valid publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
France+DROM, Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid addresses in France+DROM according to the address given into query string.
France+DROM, Return list of valid publication categories
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
Return list of valid addresses
Return the list of valid publication categories, which contraint allowed values for nedExtInfo2 in voiceSite.directorySettings for voicesites in France+DROM.
Geographical areas
Returns the list of possible values of area1, area2, area3 or area4 for the geographical available, depending on the provided values: | no area param -> area1 are returned | area1 provided -> area2 are returned | area1 and area2 provided -> area3 are returned | area1 and area2 and area3 provided -> area4 are returned
Geographical areas 1
Returns the list of possible values of area1 for the geographical available.
Geographical areas 2
Returns the list of possible values of area2 for the geographical available, with a given area1.
Geographical areas 3
Returns the list of possible values of area3 for the geographical available, with a given area1.
Geographical areas 4
Returns the list of possible values of area4 for the geographical available, with a given area1.
Get voice address constraints
Returns the list of address constraints of a country.
Get portability request constraints
Returns the list of portability request constraints of a country.
Get portability out request constraints
Returns the list of portability out request constraints of a country.
Get legal information constraints
Returns the list of legal information constraints of a country.
Get portability document templates
This operation allows viewing all the existing portability document templates.
Download portability document template
This operation allows downloading one document template for portability.
Get national enquiry constraints
This operation allows downloading one document for portability.
Get voice site default values
Returns the list of voice site parameters which can have a country specific default value.
Get geographical (emergency and dial zone) selection contratins
Returns the configuration of the geographical (emergency and dial zone) selection constraints.
Get CCA portability document templates
This operation allows viewing all the existing cca portability document templates.
Download CCA portability document template
This operation allows downloading one document template for cca portability.
Authenticated administrator information
Returns information of the authenticated customer.
Get managed customers
Returns the customers managed by the authenticated users. For retail customers, only one entry is returned. For a reseller, reseller customer and all child customers are returned.
Get customer
Returns the customer identified by his code.
Get all the emergency plans for a customer
Returns all the emergency plans for the given customer.
Deprecated - Create a new emergency plan targeting a customer's inventory
Create a new emergency plan for a customer that can target all or part of the customer's inventory Deprecated - use digital ordering of emergency plans instead
Deprecated - Create a new emergency plan targeting a customer's voicesite
Create a new emergency plan for a customer voicesite scope Deprecated - user digital ordering of emergency plans instead
Get a specific emergency plan's details
Get a specific emergency plan's details (either voicesite or inventory scope).
Update the name or description of an existing customer emergency plan
Update the name or description of an existing customer emergency plan
Deprecated - Delete an existing emergency plan
Delete an existing emergency plan Depracted - Use digital Cancel Order for Emergency plan instead
Deprecated - Update the numbersRerouting configuration of an existing emergency plan
Update the numbersRerouting configuration of an existing emergency plan Deprecated - use digital ordering for Emergency Plan change instead
Update the globalRerouting configuration of an existing emergency plan
Update the globalRerouting configuration of an existing emergency plan (voicesite scope only)
activate or deactivate an existing emergency plan
Activate or deactivate an existing emergency plan
Check the validity of the emergency plan rules
This operation allows verifying if the numberRerouting and globalRerouting rules in the emergency plan are valid or not in regards to customer or site inventory and configuration.
Emergency plan administrative settings
Updates the Emergency plan general settings. This resource can be modified in a Emergency plan in any provisioning state
Get customer disclaimers in the USA
Returns the customer disclaimers in the USA. To be used to consult customer status.
Update customer disclaimer in the USA
Updates customer. To be used to accept disclaimer.
Get VPNs
Returns the list of voice VPNs of the customer.
Get administrators
Returns the administrators managing the customer.
Get administrator details
Returns the administrator details.
Get existing voicesite groups.
Returns the list of existing group names used in voicesites.
Update existing voicesite groups.
The group name will be updated on all voicesites.
Delete existing voicesite groups.
The group name will be removed from all voicesites.
Get existing black lists.
Returns the list of existing black lists.
Creates new black list.
Create the black list.
Get one existing black list.
Get the black list details.
Update existing black list.
Update the black list.
Delete existing black list.
The black list will be removed from the system. If the black list is used, it cannot be removed.
Get existing white lists.
Returns the list of existing white lists.
Creates new white list.
Create the white list.
Get one existing white list.
Get the white list details.
Update existing white list.
Update the white list.
Delete existing white list.
The white list will be removed from the system. If the white list is used, it cannot be removed.
Get the list of existing Calling Line Identifier rules (CLI rules), whithout the list of voicesites, which use each CLI rules.
Returns the list of existing CLI rules.
Get one existing Calling Line Identifier rules (CLI rules).
Get the CLI rules details.
Voice site details
Returns the detailed parameters of a voice site.
Voice site group
Updates the voice site group. This resource can be modified in a voicesite in any provisioning state (no impact on the voicesite provisioning)
Voice site administrative settings
Updates the voice site general settings. This resource can be modified in a voicesite in any provisioning state (no impact on the voicesite provisioning)
Voice site voice address
Updates the voice address.
Voice site national enquiry publication settings
Updates the voice site national enquiry publication settings.
Voice site technical settings
Updates the voice site technical settings.
Voice site options
Updates the voice site options.
Voice site network information
Updates the voice site network information.
Voice site advanced parameters
Updates the voice site advanced parameters.
Voice site SIP termination list
Updates the voice site SIP termination list.
Voice site offnet SIP termination list
Updates the voice site SIP termination list (offnet only).
Voice site dial plan
Updates the voice site dial plan.
Voice site running state
This operation enables to move the running state of the voice site to "closed". This operation is immediate and does not require to change the provisioningState.
Get voice site provisioning checks results
Returns the result of all the checks performed before submitting a site.
Get voice site overlapping dialplan checks results
Returns the full audit of dialplan overlapping checks.
Get configured did 911 numbers
Returns the inventory of configured did 911 numbers.
Get the CCA Numbers created from a specific LVS range
Returns the inventory the CCA Numbers created from a specific LVS range
Voice site commit
This operation commits all modifications made to the site.
Get dialzones
Returns the list of dialzones on which this voicesite has at least one DID number. This list is useful for the the dialzoneExtension geographical constraint is allowed.
Get provisioning report
Returns the report of the last provisioning request. In case of error, if the error is due to a configuration issue, the report gives extensive information.
Get configuration and order constraitns
Returns the constraints applicable to this site. The returned information is dynamically calculated according to the current configuration of the site.
Attach customer contacts to voicesite
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the voicesite. These contacts will receive mail notification.
Attach customer administrative contacts to voicesite
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the voicesite. These contacts won't receive mail notification.
retrieve statistics about voiceSites
retrieve statistics about voiceSites
Voice site administrative address
Updates the administrative address. See Geographical constraints to check the expected address for the country of the voicesite.
Voice site legal information
Updates the legal information. See Geographical constraints and legalinformation constraints to check the expected information for the country of the voicesite.
Voice site consistency check
Check the voice site consistency with the hookah voice site. The consistency result contains hookah voice site differences.
Get voice sites
Returns the list of all Voice Sites of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results.
restore a canceled voiceSite
restore a canceled voiceSite
Get billing accounts for a voicesite
Returns the list of all billing accounts that can be used for the voicesite defined in the path.
Get billing accounts
Returns the list of all billing accounts of the customer.
Get existing routers
Returns the list of all routers of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results. Searching in the voicesite path allows to get routers usable for this site.
Get access sites
Returns the list of all access sites (sites with Orange WAN routers) of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results. Searching in the voicesite path allows to get access sites usable for this site.
Get existing routers
Returns the list of all routers of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results.
Get existing routers
Returns information of one router.
Get access site details
Returns an access site using its ID
Get access sites
Returns the list of all access sites (sites with Orange WAN routers) of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results.
Create new access site for a voiceSite
Create new access site for a specific voiceSite.
Get SIP termination details
Returns a SIP termination using the ID (t1t7)
Updates a SIP termination
Updates the SIP termination
Get the list of trial numbers for a customer
Returns the list of trial numbers for a customer
Create a trial number for a customer.
This operation allows to create on the fly a number for the customer trunk acceptance test. The trial number is available for a period of 15 days. The trial number can be cancelled befor the end of the trial period.
Get a trial number for a customer
Returns a trial number for a customer
Update the status of a trialnumber
This operation allows updating the status of a trialnumber.
Get SIP terminations
Returns the list of all SIP terminations of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results.
Get all customer SIP terminations
Returns the list of all SIP terminations of the customer. Could be paginated in case of large number of results.
Updates SIP termination adminstrative information
Updates the administrative information (billing account, core site, pricing approval)
Get main attachment sites for a BTIP customer
Returns the list of all BTIP main attachment sites of the customer.
Get available numbers
This operation allows searching among available numbers. This operation is meant to be used as a prerequisite to search a number/range that will be booked then. The option "local voice" is required to have access to this operation. NOTE: a site is mandatory (inherit geographic zone)
Consult global DID number inventory
This operation allows consulting global inventory accross all sites.
View all booked numbers
This operation allows viewing the booked number as initially booked. The option "local voice" is required to have access to this operation.
Create new number range
This operation allows to assign DID numbers from datacenter to a virtual voicesite.
Delete a new number range from a virtual voiceaite
This operation allows to remove DID numbers from a virtual voicesite, to move it back to datacenter.
View the number allocation table in a datacenter voicesite
This operation allows viewing the allocation table of DID numbers in a datacenter voicesite. This operation is not available for virtual and corporate voicesites.
Unfreeze range
This operation allows unfreezing a range defined by firstNumber. The full range defined by firstNumber will be unfrozen, it is not possible to unfreeze part of the range.
Create a new did number allocation order to virtual site
Allocates an available number (in datacenter) to a virtual site. Available only for virtual voicesites.
Get an existing portability out request
This operation allows viewing details on one existing portability out request.
Update a portability out request (customer comments)
This operation allows updating a portability out request.
Attach customer contacts to a portability OUT request
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the portability OUT request. These contacts will receive mail notifications.
Attach administrative customer contacts to a portability OUT request
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the portability OUT request. These contacts won't receive mail notifications.
Get existing portability out requests
This operation allows viewing all the existing portability out requests.
Get a number rerouting rule
This operation allows consulting a DID number rerouting rule.
Update a number rerouting rule
This operation allows updating a DID number rerouting rule.
Delete a number rerouting rule
This operation allows deleting a DID number rerouting rule.
Get all rerouting rules
This operation allows consulting all DID number rerouting rule.
Create number rerouting rule
This operation allows creating a DID number rerouting rule.
Get a number rerouting rule
This operation allows consulting a DID number rerouting rule (rerouting to external number).
Update a number rerouting rule
This operation allows updating a DID number rerouting rule (rerouting to external number).
Delete a number rerouting rule
This operation allows deleting a DID number rerouting rule (rerouting to external number).
Get all rerouting rules
This operation allows consulting all DID number rerouting rule (rerouting to external number).
Create number rerouting rule
This operation allows creating a DID number rerouting rule (rerouting to external number).
Get all customer contacts
This operation allows consulting all customer contacts.
Create number customer contact
This operation allows creating a contact sheet.
Get customer contact details
This operation allows consulting one customer contacts.
Update a customer contact
This operation allows updating a contact.
Delete customer contact
This operation allows deleting one customer contact. If this contact is used in an object (voicesite, portability request, order) it will be removed.
Attach customer contacts to order
Updates the list of internal contacts attached to the order.
Create number move request
This operation allows creating a DID number move request, to move DID numbers from one voicesite to another.
Get all number move requests
This operation allows consulting all number move request.
Get number move request details
This operation allows consulting one number move request.
Update a number move request
This operation allows updating a number move request.
Delete number move request
This operation allows deleting a number move request. The remove is allowed only for request in draft state.
Check move request consistency
This operation allows checking if the move request is consistent and ready to be submitted.
View moved dialplan
This operation allows to view the dialplan which will be moved from donor site to recipient site.
Submit number move request
This operation allows submitting the move request.
Get customer owned numbers
Returns the numbers owned by customer and verified by Orange. These numbers can be used as non-orange numbers in a site dialplan without country constraints.
Create new customer owned number
Create a new customer owned number.
Get customer owned number details
Returns one entry of customer owned number.
Update customer owned number
Updates the customer owned number.
Delete customer owned number
Delete an existing customer owned number
Get existing portability requests
This operation allows viewing all the existing portability requests.
Create a CCA portability request
This operation allows creating a new portability request. The numbers will ported to CCA service.
Create a BTLVS portability request
This operation allows creating a new portability request. The numbers will be ported to a BTLVS voicesite.
Create a BTIP portability request
This operation allows creating a new portability request. The numbers will be ported to a BTIP voicesite.
Get an existing portability request
This operation allows viewing details on one existing portability request.
Update a portability request
This operation allows updating a portability request.
Delete an existing portability request
This operation allows deleting an existing portability request. Only portability requests in draft status can be deleted.
Check portability request consistency
This operation allows checking if the portability is consistent and ready to be submitted.
Portability inter-customer provisioning
This operation provisiones all backends for portability.
Update a portability request
This operation allows updating the state of a portability request.
Update the address of a portability request
This operation allows updating the address of a portability request.
Attach customer contacts to portability request
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the portability request. This contacts will receive mail notifications.
Attach administrative customer contacts to portability request
Updates the list of customer contacts attached to the portability request. This contacts won't receive mail notifications.
Update a portability request (customer comments)
This operation allows updating a portability request.
Get existing portability documents
This operation allows viewing all the existing portability documents.
Portability documents
This operation allows uploading documents for portability.
Portability document
This operation allows downloading one document for portability.
Update a portability request
This operation allows updating the ranges of portability request. The operation is allowed only in the draft state.
Update a portability request dialzone
This operation allows updating the dialzone of a portability request. The operation is allowed only in the draft state.
Update a portability request
This operation allows updating the destination numbers of cca portability request. The operation is allowed only in the draft state.
Portability request dial plan
Allows to customize the dialplan that will be setup for the ported numbers for a BTLVS portability. The dialplan must contain exclusively numbers compatible with the ported numbers.
Get Business Talk over Internet documents (certificates, ...)
This operation allows to view available documents related to Business Talk over Internet. It includes in particular the certificates.
Download document
This operation allows downloading one document.
Get Business Talk guides (user guides, FAQ, ...)
This operation allows to view available guides related to Business Talk Digital.
Download document
This operation allows downloading one document.
Get Business Talk product news (country updates, pricing updates, news, ...)
This operation allows to view available news related to Business Talk Digital.
Download document
This operation allows downloading one document.
Get Business Talk coverage documents
This operation allows to view Business Talk coverage documents (service coverage, country local areas, ...).
Download document
This operation allows downloading one document.
Returns the status
Returns the status
Returns information about API version
Returns information about API version
Returns the Swagger 2.0-compliant API documentation (JSON format)
Returns the Swagger 2.0-compliant API documentation (JSON format)