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Device Location Retrieval - CAMARA - Sandbox

  • Network APIs
  • Location

Access reliable geographical position data to enhance location-based features in applications

Use this API Contact us

Getting started

Disclaimer (sandboxed version)

This CAMARA Sandbox - Device Location Retrieval - Orange lab API is a sandboxed version of the production-grade CAMARA - Device Location Retrieval API.

It is running in our lab, against a small list of lab-specific mobile devices (see list of phone number available for test below).

This API could be suspended or upgraded any time without any notice.


The CAMARA Device Location Retrieval API provides a standardized mechanism for retrieving mobile equipment geographic location. API customers are able to retrieve the location of a specified user device. It can provide the location according to different area types. As of now only CIRCLE representation is provided.

For "CIRCLE" area type, the center of the circle (latitude and longitude) as well as the accuracy radius will be provided in the response.

Subscribe to the API

You get the Authorization header credentials when you register your application on the [Orange Developer Console] (https://developer.orange.com/myapps).

API Authentication

Note: In production environment the Device Location Retrieval API will require a 3-Legged OAuth 2.0 flow but as this implementation is provided on Orange Lab, the API works with a 2-Legged OAuth (OAuth 2 with client credentials).

To learn more about how Orange Developer handles authentication, please refer to our documentation.


curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: {{ authorization_header }}" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \

In response, you will get an access_token.

       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "access_token": "66AeYJF8eJQ...2SjkFg9LB1LePC",
       "expires_in": "3600"

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API Description

Summary of resources

This API has one resource retrieve. RetrievalResult attribute provides in the response information about mobile equipment location check.

Summary of methods and URL

Use case of operationURL method
I want to retrieve the location of a device from a MSISDN number, an external identifier or an IP (+port)POST "https://api.orange.com/camara/orange-lab/location-retrieval/v0.3/retrieve"

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Summary of request body parameters

deviceAn object with four fields, each of them make possible to pass ueId in different format: networkAccessIdentifier, phoneNumber, ipv4Address and ipv6AddressSee below information on deviceYes
maxAgeMaximum age of the location information which is accepted for the location retrieval (in seconds).integerNo

Note on maxAge:

  • Absence of maxAge means "any age" is acceptable for the client. In other words, this is like maxAge=infinite. The system still return lastLocationTime in the response. If the system is not able to provide location a error 404 with code LOCATION_RETRIEVAL.DEVICE_NOT_FOUND is send back.
  • maxAge=0 means a fresh calculation is requested by the client. If the system is not able to provide fresh location an error 422 with code LOCATION_RETRIEVAL.UNABLE_TO_FULFILL_MAX_AGE is send back.

Following table provide details about device:

networkAccessIdentifierstringExternal Identifier format which has the format of username@realm
phoneNumberstringSubscriber number in E.164 format (starting with country code). Mandatory prefixed with '+'
ipv4AddressstringIPv4 address may be specified in form <address/mask>. If address we expect an IPv4 number in dotted-quad form Only this exact IP number will match the flow control rule. If address/mask - an IP number as above with a mask width of the form
ipv6AddressstringIPv6 address, following IETF 5952 format, may be specified in form <address/mask>. If address, the /128 subnet is optional for single address (2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7344 or 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7344/128). If address/mask, an IP v6 number with a mask (2001:db8:85a3:8d3::0/64 or 2001:db8:85a3:8d3::/64 )

Lab implementation specific:

Only requests using phoneNumber are operational.

Following phone number must be used (other will not work):

Phone Number

Example of body query

"device": {
    "phoneNumber": "+33699901032"
"maxAge": 60

Summary of response parameters

lastLocationTimedefines the last location where the device was localized. It must follow RFC 3339 and must have time zone. Recommended format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ (i.e. which allows 2023-07-03T14:27:08.312+02:00 or 2023-07-03T12:27:08.312Z)stringyes
areaDefines a location areaobjectyes
Location area
areaTypedefines the type of the area that is described in the responsestringyes
areaObjDefines an object of the areaTypeobjectyes
AreaType string
CIRCLEDefines a circle by its center point and its radiusstring
Area object
centerCircle center as a Point objectobjectYes
radiusRadius of the circle (in meters).numberYes
latitudeLatitude component of location. Must between -90 and 90.numberYes
longitudeLongitude component of location. Must be between -180 and 180.numberYes

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Retrieve mobile equipement location (from msisdn)

curl -X POST "https://api.orange.com/camara/orange-lab/location-retrieval/v0.3/retrieve"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your access token}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"  
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d  {
"device": {
    "phoneNumber": "+33699901032"
"maxAge": 60
200 Location retrieval successful
Content-Type: application/json
  "lastLocationTime": "2023-01-17T13:18:23.682Z",
  "area": {
    "areaType": "CIRCLE",
    "center": {
      "latitude": 50.735851,
      "longitude": 7.10066
    "radius": 2000

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Fields description

The response features "area" and "lastLocationTime" attributes with the location area where the device was located.


  • If the network is not able to localize the equipment, error code 404 is sent.
  • If the service is not up and running, error code 503 is sent
  • if the maxAge threshold cannot be satisfied, error code 400 is sent.

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Most frequent errors

If invalid input are provided in particular for the device identifier a 400 error is triggered.

HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid input
Content-Type: application/json
  "status": 400,
  "message": "Invalid input"

If the network back end is not able to localize the equipment, a 404 error is sent.

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
  "status": 404,
  "code": "NOT_FOUND",
  "message": "Unknown Location"

If the localisation service is not up and running, a 503 error is sent.

HTTP/1.1 503 Service unavailable
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": "UNAVAILABLE",
  "status": 503,
  "message": "Service unavailable"

There are some cases where your client application will no longer gain access to API resources, and get an error back.

Please check the following points:

  • Here, you attempt to use an expired or revoked access_token and you get an invalid token error. You will have to request a new access_token. As an example:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
  "status": 401,
  "message": "Authorization failed: ..."
  • Here, you removed your subscription to the API so that the capability to generate an access_token is not allowed anymore. As an example:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json
  "status": 403,
  "message": "Operation not allowed: ..."

Looking for support ?

Facing technical issue when using this API ? please contact us

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History of document

Version of the documentmodification datedescription of modifications
1.027/11/2023initialization by Orange CAMARA APIs team
1.115/12/2023Added unit for radius
1.205/01/2024Change case from 'Circle' to 'CIRCLE'
1.307/06/2024Slight change on maxAge management
1.420/08/2024Indicate that the prefix '+' is mandatory for the phoneNumber
1.519/09/2024deprecation of version v0.1 and new LIVE version v0.3 (CAMARA first meta release, release tag r1.2) which has new basePath ' /camara/orange-lab/location-retrieval/v0.3/* '
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