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What makes this API the right choice?
KYC Match - CAMARA Sandbox - Orange lab API is part of Network APIs by Orange under the CAMARA project.
This sandboxed version is limited to a short list of mobile devices (MSISDNs) that only work in our lab.
The CAMARA KYC Match API provides the customer with the ability to compare the information for a particular user with that on file by the user's operator in their own KYC records, in order for the service provider to confirm the accuracy of the information and provide a specific service to the user.
Key benefits
Enhanced Accuracy
Confirm user information accuracy without inconveniencing the user, reducing the risk of identity fraud
Improved Onboarding
Maximize conversion rates and improve the quality of onboarding procedures
Error Reduction
Avoid data entry errors by utilizing verified information from the user's Mobile Network Operator
Regulatory Compliance
Ensure compliance with market and country-specific regulations, such as KYC regulations in banking
Key use cases
User Identity Verification
Verify the identity of new users for any service provider, ensuring the information matches the records held by the Mobile Network Operator
Regulatory Compliance
Conduct regular identity verification to comply with regulations, particularly in sectors like banking
Fraud Prevention
Mitigate risks related to identity fraud, including the use of synthetic identities
Data Accuracy Maintenance
Regularly refresh user information to maintain data accuracy and integrity for ongoing services
How it works?
The requester provides the mobile ID and the attributes of user's identity to be compared with information held by the user's operator. Following figure provides a high-level view of the API architecture.