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Direct Match ID France - Mobile ID

  • Anti-Fraud
  • CPaaS APIs

Direct Match ID France allows the service provider or e-commerce merchant to compare the identification data provided by a user with that hosted by Orange.

API deprecated Contact us

Direct Match ID API is part of the Mobile ID product family and is available for France

Optimize and strengthen your anti-fraud tools and solutions by relying on operator data

  • Direct Match ID API  allows digital service  providers to compare the personal data they hold about a user, such as
    the user's name and address, with data held by Orange

  • Direct Match ID API enable digital Service Providers to check the reliability of the data they have collected from their prospects or customers by comparing them, based on the MSISDN of the customer or prospect, to Orange data associated with this same MSISDN
  • Cross check customers info : With the Orange Direct Match ID API, you will provide your customers with extra security as their identity is double-checked prior to any transaction validation. As a business you will benefit from reduced fraud,

    reduced costs and faster transactions.

  • Easier customer experience: With OrangeDirect Match ID API, your users identity is being seamlessly verified by crosschecking the ID information they provided with that owned by Orange. There is no further need for additional verification.

Direct Match ID Scope

  • Direct Match ID API allows digital service providers to compare the personal data they hold about a user, such as the user's name and address, with data held by Orange without asking explicit consent from the end user.
  • Absence of explicit consent collection from the Orange customer implies a restrictive use of the Direct Match ID API

  • Authorized use cases are only  those relating to GDPR legitimate interest framework
  • Identity attributes that can be checked are:
  1. - Full name: First and last name
  2. - Address: Street number, Street name, City, Postal code, Country
  3. - Contact email address
  4. - Date of Birth


For your Business

-Make the identity data of your prospects more reliable

-Limit the spread of  synthetic identities

-Detect customer account take over

-And much more….

For your Customers

-Fast and secure digital registration

-Safer digital transaction

-Frictionless journey

Get started now


Contact and contract with our team

Prior to any subscription, a contract between you and Mobile ID team must be set up.

Please fill the contact form


Subscribe to the Direct Match ID API

Once you have been granted the access, you can subscribe to the Direct Match ID API


Start using Direct Match ID API

Integrate Direct Match ID API in your application.

We will always be there to support you if needed