Iaas-Api-For-Partner 1.6.0_tag
OAS 3.0
https://developer.orange.com/ope-contents/channels/87afd7365baec589/offers/961Dzt5hkE9hp50L/products/00Yd5w3iNC2m2Y62/contents/swagger/mK7B4LDo0bf80laC/swagger.yamlEvolution Platform - Infrastructure As A Service API For Partner
Virtual Machine and Network Services API
The goal of this API is to manage virtual machines and their connectivity. To that end, several top-level resources are defined:
- Virtual Network
- Virtual Machine
- Server Group
- Routing Policy
- Security Group
- Key Pair
- Volume
- Public IP Adresses
Each top-level resource is contained into a project and has its own lifecycle.
All dates are in UTC (timezone Zulu). Their format is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", example: 2022-04-12T16:42:23.345Z.
Some resources are modeled by two distinct classes (in the Swagger model) in order to represent two facets of the object:
- one class is used in create/update API requests (class name ends with "InRequest"),
- the other class is used in API responses (class name ends with "InResponse").
The API also offers services to consult catalog of geographical zones, images and flavors. Basic recipe to create and manage a virtual machine:
- Create a server group
- Create a virtual network with its routing policy
- Create a key pair
- Create one or several security groups that contain security rules (optional)
- Create one or several volumes (optional)
- Reserve one or several public IP addresses (optional)
- Create a virtual machine with its interfaces, its key pair, its security groups, its volume, and its public IPs
- Apply actions on the virtual machine or on its interfaces
FlavorCatalog of pre-defined flavors offered by Orange.
A flavor is a virtual hardware profile (RAM, CPU, disk...) that is applied to the VM.
Catalog of pre-defined flavors offered by Orange. A flavor is a virtual hardware profile (RAM, CPU, disk...) that is applied to the VM.
ImageCatalog of virtual machine images that are either public images (provided by Orange) or private.
Private images must be uploaded to Orange repository beforehand.
Catalog of virtual machine images that are either public images (provided by Orange) or private. Private images must be uploaded to Orange repository beforehand.
InterfaceManage interfaces of an existing virtual machine
Manage interfaces of an existing virtual machine
JobManage jobs that process asynchronous requests on resources
Manage jobs that process asynchronous requests on resources
KeyPairKey Pair resource is not opened yet.
Key Pair resource is not opened yet.
PublicIPAddressReserve and release public IP addresses
Reserve and release public IP addresses
RoutingPolicyManage routing policies
Manage routing policies
RoutingPolicyRuleManage routing policy rules contained into an existing routing policy
Manage routing policy rules contained into an existing routing policy
SecurityGroupSet of IP filtering rules to protect a Virtual Machine interface .
Set of IP filtering rules to protect a Virtual Machine interface .
SecurityRuleFiltering rule describing the flows that are authorized on a VM interface.
Filtering rule describing the flows that are authorized on a VM interface.
ServerGroupIn case of a VNF based on several VM, ServerGroup provide the capability to group VM on the same compute or to separate them according to certain policy.
In case of a VNF based on several VM, ServerGroup provide the capability to group VM on the same compute or to separate them according to certain policy.
VirtualMachineManage virtual machine
Manage virtual machine
VirtualNetworkVirtual network is used to interconnect VM together via a layer 2 and/or to implement an IP/MPLS VPN (internet / customer VPN..)
Virtual network is used to interconnect VM together via a layer 2 and/or to implement an IP/MPLS VPN (internet / customer VPN..)
VolumeA volume is a detachable block storage device, similar to a USB hard drive. You can attach a volume to only one instance.
A volume is a detachable block storage device, similar to a USB hard drive. You can attach a volume to only one instance.
ZoneCatalog of geographical zones where virtual machines can be deployed.
Catalog of geographical zones where virtual machines can be deployed.