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Home Verify France - Mobile ID

  • Anti-Fraud
  • CPaaS APIs

The Home Verify API transmits to service providers a digitized (mobile or web) bill from Orange customers as proof of residence.

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Get the Orange customer last month bill

It is applicable to any Orange France mass-market customer including Sosh customers providing he has given his consent.

It uses Orange Identity API based on OpenId Connect to enable user authentication and consent management before you are entitled to access the bill.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the bill is limited to the first two pages and does not include detailed information.

Improve the customer experience

By using the Customer Bill API, you can reduce your drop-off rate by removing the steps that generate friction in your customer journey. With a single click, your user gets its bill directly uploaded onto your service, without any need to store it locally on its device.

Improve security and trust

As the bill is directly communicated without any intermediary, you can trust any data contained in it: first name, last name, address. You are 100% sure that the bill has not been forged or modified by anyone.

Protected Privacy

Customer privacy and authorization are managed through dedicated dashboards, complying with European law on privacy management.

As a company, Orange is taking clear and strong commitments toward personal data protection and security.

The Check & Go offer

The Check & Go offer is a suite of APIs that helps you to increase customer trust, security and conversion.

Discover our other Check & Go products in the Identity section : Check Id, Form Filling, Mobile Connect, User Details, Network Info.


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Subscribe to the API

Sign-in or sign-up for a developer account and subscribe to the API.

Your subscription request will be put on hold while we will study your application.

note: subscribing to an API means declaring an application and adding an API to it from the APIs list.


Receive subscription approval

Once your subscription is validated, you can start using the API.