.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }

Core Information - Documentation 2.6

Commercial and technical inventory for Customers of Orange Business Services (CMDB)

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Version 2.6.0 - June19th 2024

API coreInformation/configurationItem : Improve data :

  •  Manufacter, model, chassis, serialNumber and firmwareVersion
  •  Category, Type and Name  for International customer and support mobile   

API coreInformation/configurationItem : add reference to device for accessLine (device.id properties)

Api CoreInformation/servicePoint : add serviceLevelAgreement and voix/ndi (phone number) for BTIP offers

Offers Extention (SmartRouting, Business Internet )

Version 2.5.0 - February 28th,2024

API coreInformation/Location : add filter on Name field
API coreInformation/configurationitem and servicePoint : add filter on 


API coreInformation/configurationitem: improve data Type for support DSLETH
API coreInformation/configurationitem: improve data ExternalReference for french customer. This field is valued like name
API coreInformation/servicePoint : Status CommerciallyCeased returm Terminated.

Version 2.4 - January 18th, 2024

  • IP LAN data are now populated to properties.network.ipaddresses [ipAdress, type] array.  properties.network.ipaddress attribute becomes depricated.
  • Service Level Agreement  information have been added on ServicePoint and ConfigurationItems in serviceLevelAgreement  object.
  • serviceLevelManagement Object becomes depricated on ConfigurationItems.
  • Data in name , type, role have been improved on ConfigurationItems.
  • Offers extension.

Version 2.3.0 - October 9th 2023

- location.formattedAddress have been set to deprecated - it is remain available, but not garantee on the content. It will be removed in a future major release (not planned)

- minor bug correction

Version 2.2.0 - July 5th 2023

- Allow to update the location contact

- Offers extension

- Minor improvements