What is it?
The United Way Product Catalog Management API TMF 620 allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the Orange Wholesale catalog elements, the consultation of catalog elements during several processes such as ordering process, and sales management.
This is one of United Way's APIs.
Uses cases
#1 - I want to get the framework of a new product offering.
I am in a sales administration team, I need to fill the needed information to get the framework of a product offering.
#2 - I want to get the framework of an amended product offering.
I am in a sales administration team, I need to fill the needed information to get the framework of an amended product offering.
Who can use it?
Orange Wholesale customers that have suscribed to United Way e-service.
Technical prerequisite
No technical prerequisites.
This API is free.
Get started now
Have a look at the full documentation in the Getting started and API reference tabs.
process (in French).
You can use your app’s credentials to retrieve an access token.
Integrate the API in your service thanks to the API key and the access token.
Congratulations! Your service is now up and running!
After subscription, generate your client with toolkit generator as Open Api generator or Editor Swagger.