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Quality on Demand - CAMARA 0.10

  • Network APIs
  • Network Quality

Enable mobile devices to request improved connection quality, ensuring better performance for critical applications

Contact us

Camara - Quality on Demand API is part of CAMARA APIs by Orange.

What it does?

The Quality on Demand allows for a mobile application to request an improved connection (bandwidth, latency). More precisely it is possible to:

  • Retrieve and get details about QoS profile managed
  • Request a quality-on-demand session from a mobile device to an application server 
  • Retrieve details for a quality-on-demand session (from its id)
  • Extendan existing quality-on-demand session (from its id)
  • Request the end of a quality-on-demand session (from its id)

    Additionally, the mobile user of the QoD API can provide a URL to be notified of the session status.

    How it works?

    The API swagger describes the notification endpoint. This endpoint needs to be implemented by the API consumer and the QoD API server will call this endpoint whenever any network-related event occurs. 

    Following diagram provides a high-level view of the API architecture:

    Orange lab availability?

    QoD API is available in our Orange lab network. We make it accessible during Developer Event. Stay tuned !

    Interested? Contact us to get more information.

    Get in touch

    Available CAMARA Sandbox APIs in our lab

    Device status

    Queries the connectivity status of user equipment

     >> Discover

    Location Verification

    Verifies if the location of a user device is within the area specified by the provided coordinates (latitude and longitude)

    >> Discover

    Location Retrieval

    Retrieves the location of a user device.

     >> Discover

    Sim Swap

    Checks if a SIM Swap has been done on the mobile line over a specified lapse time

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    Allows to manage subscriptions to get notifications, when a given device enters or leaves a monitored area.

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