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Device Reachability Status - CAMARA Sandbox - Orange lab 0.1 Beta

This API provides the customer with the ability to query device reachability status.

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Discover how this API works for you

Camara Sandbox - Device Reachability Status - Orange lab API is part of CAMARA APIs by Orange.

This sandboxed version is also limited to a short list of mobile devices (MSISDNs) that only work in our lab.

What it does?

The CAMARA Device Reachability Status API allows to query the connectivity status of a mobile device (data connected, sms connected or not connected)

How it works?

The requester provides one mobile device identifier (MSISDN, IP or external identifier) and gets a response the device connectivity status.

The following figure provides a high-level view of the API architecture:

Available CAMARA APIs in our lab

Location Retrieval

Retrieves the location of a user device.

 >> Discover

Location Verification

Verifies if the location of a user device is within the area specified by the provided coordinates (latitude and longitude)

>> Discover


Allows to manage subscriptions to get notifications, when a given device enters or left a monitored area.

>> Discover 

Sim Swap

Checks if a SIM Swap has been done on the mobile line over a specified lapse time

 >> Discover

Device Roaming Status

Checks if the mobile line is in roaming status or not

 >> Discover