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SIM Verify France - Mobile ID

SIM Verify France detects if a SIM card has been recently swapped to reduce fraud risks.

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How does SIM verify France work ?

SIM Verify France API is part of the Mobile ID product family and is available for France.

An online process requiring authentication (account creation, payment, credential retrieval, etc.) is performed. 

For security purposes, recent SIM card activation is verified to assess the risk of a "SIM Swap" fraud.

If the verification is successful, continuation with the authentication is allowed; otherwise, an alternative authentication system may be offered.

The risk of SIM Swapfraud increases :

In today's interconnected world, mobile phones serve various purposes such as communication, work, shopping, travel, banking, and entertainment. However, the rise in mobile phone usage has also resulted in an increase in SIM Swap fraud in recent years. Fraudsters employ Simswap techniques to intercept SMS messages, reset passwords, or obtain verification codes, enabling them to gain unauthorized access to protected accounts. SIM Verify mitigates the risk of account takeover fraud by enhancing SIM-based authentication processes, particularly SMS One-time passwords.

SIM Verify France features :

The SIM Verify France API is designed to enhance security for both desktop and mobile websites, as well as applications. It specifically caters to Orange and Sosh mobile retail subscribers, utilizing direct authentication through the 3G/4G/5G network to ensure a seamless and secure user experience. This API operates under the legitimate interest basis of GDPR, meaning that it does not require user consent to function. It efficiently checks and responds with a simple 'YES' or 'NO' to inquiries about recent activations of the mobile line within a specified timeframe. This feature is crucial for preventing unauthorized access and mitigating potential SIM SWAP fraud, thereby bolstering the overall security framework of digital platforms.

What is the difference with CAMARA - SIM Swap – France?

From a functional scope both API offer same capability.  These 2 APIs are from 2 distinct standards (Mobile Id for Sim Verify, CAMARA for SIM Swap). As explained on CAMARA page, this initiative aims at defining service APIs by combining network APIs, over an operator domain. It means that CAMARA API scope will go beyond identity scope, and these API globally could be used in other context than Fraud Detection & Prevention.


Why choose SIM Verify France ?

Minimize fraud and risk

SIM Verify France API detects if a SIM card has been recently  swapped, directly targeting and mitigating the risks associated with SIM Swap fraud.

Real-Time Verification

The API performs real-time checks on the swap status of SIM cards, providing immediate and accurate security assessments to prevent fraudulent activities.

Protection of Sensitive Transactions

By ensuring that the SIM card used for authentication is legitimate, SIM Verify adds an extra layer of security to sensitive transactions such as online banking, payments, and personal data access.

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How to integrate this API ?


Contract with our team

Prior to any subscription, a contract between you and Mobile ID team must be set up.

Please fill the contact form.


Subscribe to this API

Create an account if you haven't already done so, and once you've been granted access, you can subscribe to the SIM Verify France API.


Start using this API

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