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DevFest du bout du monde

Published: July 1, 2024




Join us at the DevFest du bout du monde

Brest, FR


About the event

To your agenda! Tomorrow the Dev Fest starts!

In the program, 30 conferences very tech oriented for all levels and also other subjects like User experience or handling techniques…

Orange is proud sponsor of the DevFest du Bout du Monde. Many of our developers will attend this outstanding tech event and some of our key experts will speak in various tracks.

Orange speakers and keynotes at this event



Date & time

Thomas ABOT , Mobile developer, Orange Application for Business

‘Mobile development with Rust & Webassembly’

Friday 22 February
at 11:15

Léna NDIAYE, Mobile developer, Orange Application for Business

‘Accessibility & Android’

Friday 22 February

at 14:50

Romain RASTEL , Mobile Developer, Orange Application for Business

‘Getting started with Flutter’

Friday 22 February
at 15:50