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Hacking in Paris

Don’t miss the Hacking de l’Hotel de Ville in Paris

Published: July 1, 2024


Thursday 21st, for the 5th time, the Mayor of Paris entrust the keys of City Hall to 3,500 Hacking participants: StartUps, experts, investors, major French and foreign corporate.

And a great opportunity to meet with our team in the Orange booth where the Orange Developer team will showcase our latest technical resources, including IoT, identity and payment APIs, and will be thrilled to meet you and explore joint business and tech opportunities.

A great opportunity for StartUps to co-innovate

Imagine one of the nicest and most historic places in Paris. Now, imagine it hacked for an entire day to allow fortuitous encounters, all around innovations with the right actors. This is what this event is about, putting all the actors at the same venue and giving them an opportunity to meet. Paris City Hall has historically been a commercial place, and it is in that sense that this unique venue is given for an entire day to innovation.

And it is why we will be there. We want to meet with tomorrow’s major actors, French and International. We help you develop your business thanks to our platforms, networks, device, data and hosting in Europe and the Middle East and Africa. We also want to help you save time with our easy to integrate tech resources and so much more.


Cloud and technological expertise to help you grow your business and extend your reach

We are proud to share a space with Orange Business Services led by Précilia Fibleuil in which you will discover:

  • Cloud solutions to deliver better applications faster and create value by improving the experience of your customers.
  • Cloud experts to help you deploy your infrastructure
  • Opportunities for meeting our BtoB customers and participate to the most popular events with us

Discover more about what we do: API, IoT and all the tech ressources

This is an opportunity to meet with our experts:

  • Business wise: come meet us during the MeetUps
  • Technology wise: We will also be making a presentation and be in the DemoSpace & Experimental Show where we promote the winners of the LTE-M Challenge.

We can’t wait to meet you and use the Hacking de l’Hôtel de Ville as a co-innovation opportunity!