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Orange Developer Challenge

Orange Developer Challenge

Published: July 1, 2024

November 2016
Join the new industrial revolution
Châtillon, France

A look back at the Orange Developer Challenge

The Orange Developer Challenge dedicated to Industry 4.0 closed on a two-day hackathon on November 29th and 30th. The goal: demonstrating innovation potential by creating a prototype or service that responds to an actual industrial case study, and the real challenges experienced by our partners including EDF and Air Liquide.

If you couldn’t make it, here’s what you’ve missed.

For Air Liquide, EDF and Orange, this Challenge dedicated to industrial use cases was a resounding success: 66 participants formed 18 teams to pitch great projects with promising business perspectives for all parties involved.

The three partners are abuzz with ideas on how to build on the teams’ proposals, and how to help the winners develop their activity – whether by guiding them through POCs and through technical and/or marketing support depending on the cases.

Meet the 6 Challenge winners

“Expert Team” category

The “Expert” category was composed of teams who came to the Challenge already formed, including teams of developers with several hackathons already under their belt or startups at various stages of development.

The top three prize-winners are:


  • 1st prize (€4,000): VR Training – Digital and Human. A project best described as applying VR to on-the-job training in order to make simulations as close to real-life as possible…using the HTC Vive! Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.


  • 2nd prize (€2,500): G-Team – Fenceo platform. A project aiming to save lives with a monitoring solution enabling factory dispatchers to monitor technicians on-site and alert them if they enter hazardous a environment. Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.


  • 3rd prize (€1,000): Daxium Mobile Industry. A project to equip industrial sites with a full platform of mobile applications tailored to industry needs, in order to monitor metrics pertaining to hygiene, security, and environmental issues as well as staff review. Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.


“Junior Team” category

The “Junior” category was reserved to the teams that formed at the hackathon, giving people the challenge and opportunity to get their creative juices flowing with new faces! A few of these encounters proved promising, and led to the creation of new startups!

The three prize-winners are:


  • 1st prize (€4,000): EPInet. A LoRa network of Personal Protection Equipments (Equipements de Protection Individuels or EPI) for workers on construction and industrial sites, who are connected through their mandatory hard hats so supervisors can continuously pinpoint on-site personnel and monitor safety levels. Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.


  • 2nd prize (€2,500): Mobizel E-Jiminy. A project to replace warning signs and instruction signs on-site, which members of personnel often don’t see when they are focused on their task, with a monitoring system to determine whether they are using the appropriate equipment at the right place and time. Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.


  • 3rd prize (€1,000): Dataswati. A project to create a real-time data platform that processes information according to employee geolocation and provides real-time access to data in a manner that is tailored to the skills of the request owner, featuring AI supervision to suggest specific interventions. Find out more about this solution by clicking the thumbnail.

Find out more about the Challenge


A 3-step Challenge

  • 17th November: kick-off, which welcomes leaders from Orange and the industry, objectives and project selection criteria. From 5pm to 9pm at Orange Gardens, Châtillon.
  • 18th to 26th November: experts will run webinars on the products and services available during the Challenge.
  • 28th and 29th November: closing hackathon with multidisciplinary teams of 3 to 7 people, and awards presented by a jury of representatives from Orange, partners EDF and Air Liquide, and experts. From 9am to 9pm at Orange Gardens, Châtillon.

Who can apply?

Free, open to anyone who lives in France. Orange and partners will be selecting candidates soon.

Visit our website (event brite) for full Challenge rules and details.


What’s next?

Orange and its partners will provide long-term support for all winning project.


Apply for the Challenge…

The number of spaces is limited so make sure you apply soon!