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SMS Africa and Middle East 2.0

  • Communications

Engage with your users via SMS in the Orange Middle East & Africa footprint. Purchase SMS bundles with your Orange SIM card and get started in minutes.

Contact us
  • How to upgrade to 2.0 version after the operation on November 7th 2022

    (voir la version française plus bas)

    Will I be able to send SMSs during this operation? or to buy a new SMS bundle?

    No, the service will be interrupted, and you won’t be able neither to send SMSs or buy new bundles.

    Will I be able to send SMSs after the operation? Do I need to change anything in my code?

    Yes, as soon as the operation will end, we will notify you by mail and you will be able to consume the SMSs you bought without any changes in your code (cf. https://developer.orange.com/apis/sms/getting-started).

    Will I be able to buy SMS bundles after the operation?

    Yes, but first you’ll have to subscribe to the latest version from your application on this portal. For more details see https://developer.orange.com/tech_guide/platform-migration-for-the-sms-api/

    ----- French version ----

    Est-ce que je vais pouvoir envoyer des SMS à mes clients pendant l’opération, ou acheter un bundle ?

    Non, le service sera indisponible pendant et l’envoie de SMS comme l’achat de bundle seront indisponibles.

    Est-ce que je vais pouvoir envoyer des SMS à mes clients après l’opération ?
    Oui, aucun changement n’est nécessaire de votre côté ; dès que le service sera rétabli, vous allez pouvoir envoyer des SMS (cf. https://developer.orange.com/apis/sms/getting-started).

    Est-ce que je vais pouvoir acheter un nouveau bundle de SMS après l’opération ?

    Oui, mais pour cela vous allez devoir souscrire à la dernière version de l’API depuis votre application sur ce portail. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez aller ici: https://developer.orange.com/tech_guide/platform-migration-for-the-sms-api/

  • How to order SMS bundles?

    Select your application in My apps, click the "configure" button next to the SMS API subscription. This allows you to order new SMS bundles at anytime and check the remaining SMS units and their expiring date.

  • What is the validity token authentication?
    The token is valid 3600 seconds (1h). After this period, you'll get an error and should request another token.
    You can find complete documentation on how to generate such token on this page 2-Legged OAuth2.0 proxy V3
  • What is the error "Not enough credit"?
    You can buy SMS bundles using your Orange SIM credit or with Orange Money, in countries where this payment option is available.

    If you get "Not enough credit" error when you try to buy a bundle, you need to recharge your Orange account.

    If you used Orange Money, please note that it might take up to one hour until the new purchased units are credited to your account. You can consult your account status at anytime in the "Configure" screen from your application.

  • Customizing the sender name

    Please send a request via this webform to our local team.

    For legal and regulatory reasons, we have to analyse the list of sender names you asked for. This might take up to 5 working days.

    Please do not try to use those Sender Names until Orange local business team notifies you that sender names were whitelisted; if you do, you will receive a 400 requestError response.

    Please check the "Sending SMS" section in getting started tab for the API request format when you want to customize the sender name.

    Note: the Sender Name is 11 alphanumeric characters max, no special characters are allowed (space is available), upper and lower case letters are distinguished.

  • Country specific FAQs

    SMS Botswana            SMS Burkina Faso          SMS Cameroon      SMS DR Congo     SMS Cote d'Ivoire

    SMS Guinea Bissau     SMS Guinea Conakry     SMS Jordan            SMS liberia            SMS Madagascar

    SMS Mali - Business   SMS Senegal                  SMS Tunisia