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Eligibility - API Documentation

  • Service management

Retrieve the Orange Business support eligibility for your sites located in France (FTTE, FTTH, ...)

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Table of Contents

Prerequisite authentication


The API requires an API-Key to access to it

  • Your Orange Business representative will provide you this API key.
  • The API key must be added to HTTP headers of each API call.
  • It has to be put in the X-Api-Key header.
  • The API requires also the generation of an API-Key. API-Key expires after 2 years and must be renewed by asking to Orange Support.


The access to this API is secured by the OAuth 2.0 framework with the Client Credentials grant type, which means that you will have to present an OAuth 2.0 access_token whenever you want to request this API.

It's easy to negotiate this access_token: just send a request to the proper token negotiation endpoint, with a Basic Authentication header valued with your own client_id and client_secret.

For this API, the token negotiation endpoint is:


A technical guide is available to learn how to negotiate and manage these access_token.


  • Please pay particular attention to properly handle authentication error responses in your application. See the section Errors
  • The access_token default lifetime is 60 minutes.
  • Header Accept: application/json is now required, when it’s omitted you will receive an error 406 error.

Base URL

The Base URL is the first part of the full invocation URL, just before the resource paths. Whenever you make requests on this API, you will need to prepend the following Base URL to the resource paths defined for this API.

If you request this API and encounter a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error response, please check first that the Base URL is correct.

The Base URL for this API is:


Method and URL

/poiGETThis endpoint retrieves POI information based on the provided query parameters


This API is designed to calculate the eligibility for fiber, copper and mobile supports based on the provided query parameters:

  • fullTextAddress: The full text address to search for
  • buildingCode: The building code
  • geoCoding coordinates : The geographic latitude and longitude coordinates of the location
  • ND: The landline number associated with the location

Eligibility check by Address

fullTextStringXThe full text address to search for. Respecting the following format: [street number] [optional complement(if exists)] [street name], [postal code] [city].
buildingNameStringThe building name
- If there are matching POIs, the API will return a list of POIs corresponding to the provided address.
- If no matching address is found, the API will return "404 Not Found" Error.
- If the  buildingName is specified as a parameter for the request, the API will search for the specified building name within the provided address:
    - If a matching building is found, the API will retrieve the building code and calculate the eligibility, and return the corresponding POI.
    - If no matching building is found, the API will return an appropriate error message.

Eligibility check by buildingCode

buildingCodeStringXThe buildingCode to search for. respecting the following format: IMB/[A-Z0-9]{5}/[A-Z]{1}/[A-Za-z0-9]{4}. Example IMB/12345/X/04U5
- If there is a matching POI, the API will return the POI corresponding to the provided building code.
- If no matching building code is found, the API will return "404 Not Found" Error.

Eligibility check by geographic coordinates

latitudeStringXRepresents the latitude of the geographic coordinates. Must be between -90 and 90 and cannot contain more than 10 digits after the decimal point.
longitudeStringXRepresents the longitude . Longitude must be between -180 and 180 and cannot contain more than 10 digits after the decimal point. Latitude must be between -90 and 90 and cannot contain more than 10 digits after the decimal point.
perimeterStringDefine the calculation radius for buildings in the surroundings in metters. Possible values: 50, 160, 600, and 1000. If the perimeter is not specified, the calculation is done over 160m.
supportStringContains the name of the support for which the eligibility should be calculated; Possible values: FTTH, FTTO, FTTE, COPPER, MOBILE. if not specified, the eligibility will be calculated for all fiber, copper and mobile support

Eligibility check by ND

ndStringXContains the value of the landline number: ND (designation number), which is 10 numeric characters long.
- If there is a matching POI, the API will return the POI corresponding to the provided ND.
- If no matching ND is found, the API will return "404 Not Found" Error.


A Point of Interest (POI) represents a geographic location that can either be an address or a building. Each POI contains information about the eligibility of Copper and Fiber supports.

idStringA unique identifier for the point of interest record.
buildingObjectPointOfInterest: Contains information about the building associated with the point of interest.
- idStringA unique identifier for the building.
geoCodingObjectPointOfInterest: Contains geocoding information for the point of interest.
- longitudeNumberThe longitude of the point of interest.
- latitudeNumberThe latitude of the point of interest.
formattedAddressStringA human-readable address string for the point of interest. in the following format: street_number optional_complement street_name, postal_code city
addressObjectPointOfInterest: Contains detailed address information for the point of interest.
- cityCodeStringThe city code for the address.
- postalCodeStringThe postal code for the address.
- rivoliCodeStringThe RIVOLI code for the address.
- streetNumberStringThe street number for the address.
- streetNumberSuffixStringThe street number suffix for the address, if applicable.
supportsObjectPointOfInterest: Contains information about the available networking services at the point of interest.
- fiberObjectContains information about the fiber network services available at the point of interest.
--ftteObjectSupport: Contains information about Fiber to the Enterprise (FTTE) service availability.
---statusStringThe eligibility status of the FTTE service at the point of interest. Possible values: eligible, notEligible, notComputed
--- propertiesObject (FtteProperties)Contains properties related to the FTTE service.
---- isOptimalAvailableBooleanFTTE Properties: Indicates whether the optimal fiber FTTE service is available at the point of interest.
--- commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the FTTE service availability.
--ftthObjectSupport: Contains information about Fiber to the Home (FTTH) service availability.
---statusStringThe eligibility status of the FTTH service at the point of interest. Possible values: eligible, notEligible, notComputed
--- commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the FTTH service availability.
--fttoObjectSupport: Contains information about Fiber to the Office (FTTO) service availability.
---statusStringThe eligibility status of the FTTO service at the point of interest. Possible values: eligible, notEligible, notComputed
--- propertiesObject (FtteProperties)Contains properties related to the FTTO service.
----isFiberAvailableBooleanFTTO Properties: Indicates whether the FTTO fiber service is available
----zoningStringFTTO Properties: The zoning information for the FTTO service.
--- commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the FTTO service availability.
-copperObjectContains information about the copper network services available at the point of interest.
--commercialClosureDate (Copper)StringContains information about the commercial closure date of the copper services.
---adslObjectCopper technology: Contains information about the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) service availability.
----statusThe eligibility status of the copper service at the point of interest.
----propertiesContains properties related to the copper service.
-----bandwidthObjectCopper Properties: Contains bandwidth information for the service.
-----unitStringCopper Properties: The unit of measurement for bandwidth (e.g., Mbps).
-----countCopperPairIntegerCopper Properties: The number of copper pairs available for the copper service at the point of interest.
----commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the ADSL service availability.
---sdslObjectContains information about the Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) service availability.
----statusThe eligibility status of the copper service at the point of interest.
----propertiesContains properties related to the copper service.
-----bandwidthObjectCopper Properties: Contains bandwidth information for the service.
-----unitStringCopper Properties: The unit of measurement for bandwidth (e.g., Mbps).
-----countCopperPairIntegerCopper Properties: The number of copper pairs available for the copper service at the point of interest.
-----countRequiredPairsIntegerCopper Properties: The number of required copper pairs for the SDSL service at the point of interest.
----commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the SDSL service availability.
----commentsArray of stringsAn array of comments related to the SDSL service availability.
-mobileObjectContains informations about each mobile technologie.
--mobileTechnologiesArray of stringsContains mobile technologie coverage details
---technologyStringName of the Mobile technology; Possible values: 2G, 3G, 3G900, 3G2K, 4G, 5G, 5G2100, 5G3500, LORA, PMR, LTEM, LTEM-EC.
---qualityStringLevel of mobile coverage quality. Possible values: Excellent coverage, Very good coverage, Good coverage, Average coverage, No coverage.
---coverageQualityScoreStringCoverage quality. Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in relation to coverage quality: 0: No coverage. 4: Excellent coverage.
---messageStringInformation on coverage quality; Possible values: Your mobile device should work outdoors and in most cases indoors as well., Your mobile device should operate outdoors and, in some cases, indoors.,Your mobile device should operate in most cases outdoors and, in some cases, indoors.,Your mobile device should operate in most cases outdoors but probably not indoors.,Your mobile device should not operate either outdoors or indoors.
createdAtStringPointOfInterest: The date and time when the point of interest record was created.
updatedAtStringPointOfInterest: The date and time when the point of interest record was last updated.


Eligibility API examples


HTTP CodeCodeMessageDescription
40142Expired credentialsIf the provided credentials were out-of-date. You should request a new access_token.
Note that:
  • Each access_token has a lifetime validity period (60 minutes by default). This validity period may change overtime to comply with security rules.
  • Token requests are limited to 50 requests per minutes, when the rate limit is exceeded you will receive an error 429. Therefore, DON'T request an access_token each time you invoke the service API. DON'T hard-code a validity duration in your application. Instead, your application must parse the returned status code and error code to check if it needs to request a new access_token.
For other 401 errors: check that you provide the right Autorization header with the right Bearer.
400400100malformatted valueIn case of invalid request to the API ( Ex. malformatted Address
40040024Invalid body fieldEx. buildingCode not respecting the expected pattern
4004005Missing valueMissing required value
4004041Address not foundAddress not found
4004042unknown buildingunknown building
5032600The service is temporarily unavailableSource backend service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
5001Internal errorGeneric failure message, used if no more precise code can be provided.

Consult all generic errors.